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TE So Cal Crashes X-plane with error

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I finally get TE Southern California installed on a clean install of X-plane 11.50b6 only to get an error message when loading a flight in X-plane 11


0:01:01.187 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:01:01.187 E/SYS: | Error, could not locate image file for terrain
0:01:01.187 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_SoCal_TE_Orthos/terrain/cd60x5690x17SM.ter
0:01:01.187 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_SoCal_TE_Orthos/terrain/
0:01:01.187 E/SYS: | ../textures/cd60x5690x17.dds
0:01:01.187 E/SYS: | (REN_terrain.cpp:206)
0:01:01.187 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Then X-plane immediately shuts down. I went back to Orbx central, and verified all of the files, but still get the same error followed by an immediate crash. 



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The error message is most commonly associated with the lack of required free disk space being available on either the disk you are downloading onto, and/or the disk you are installing the addon onto.

Please read the link below fully and confirm that you meet ALL the requirements especially regarding the possible necessary changes to the location of your Temp file and the free space on the installation drive.

For SoCal HD you will need approx 200GB of free space on the drive you are downloading onto, which os the drive with your Temp folder (by default this is your C drive, hence the possible need to move it to a larger drive). Ypu will also need abou 270Gb on the drive you are installing onto. This figure includes additional GB needed free to allow the disk drive to function as intended.



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