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Moving Orbx to new PC

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My new Chillblast i9-9900k, 32GB, GeForce RTX 2080Ti 11GB system is coming shortly and I was wondering if there are any shortcuts to installing my Orbx Global, Vector, Regions and airports back into a new P3Dv4.5 fresh install.


I have my current scenery library all set up on an additional internal 2TB 7200rpm Seagate drive (D:).   Essentially, I plan to have exactly the same setup on the new PC where P3Dv4.5 and my addons including Orbx, will also be setup on a 2TB internal drive (also set as D:).


I may copy the scenery install over to the new D: drive after I have placed a fresh P3D install on it - then using an enclosure to copy the data onto the new drive - or I may just switch out the old D: drive (my daughter is getting my existing PC as a birthday gift - she is chomping at the bit!) and insert it into the new Rig.


But I was wondering how Orbx Central will handle this when I next log in?   I would love to be able to avoid the hours of reinstalling each Orbx product - but if I must, then I will.


Just asking how you would do it and if there are any shortcuts .....


Thanks for any help or kind suggestions,





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