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OGL_extensions.cpp:1229 after installing Orbx Central Florida HR Maps

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Hi guys

After installing the freeware you had, tested and worked correctly, i decided to purchase the Florida Maps HR. 

downloaded and installed it automatically, in a second disk because of the size.

now when i try to run XP11 and start in FLL airport, it just plain crashes (while still eating my cpu).

Please see attached log.txt for ideas. 

By the way, space available in SSD V: where XPLANE is installed is 67 GB

Space available in HD H: where OrbxLibrary, AppDataRoamingOrbxBackup and OrbxTemp folders exist is 969 GB

thank you




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Sorry about your problems but I see nothing in the log file saying there is a problem. Is the log file you attached th eone that was made when your XP crashed? There is no statement at the bottom of the Log file text saying something like XP has crashed.

The error message you show a pic of is saying there is a problem with XP opening or setting up OpenGL. I suggest you speak to Laminar on the x-plane.org forum as well since the error message is not related to an Orbx problem from what i can see with the information you have provided.

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confirmed, after uninstalling the Orbx florida maps, it now works just fine. My conclusion here, there is a problem with the software from Orbx, not with the software of XP11. A pitty, all the other maps, the free ones, work fine, but this particular one that i decided to put some money there, doesnt.

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I've seen this error before caused by a corrupt texture in an install. Can you please go to your Orbx_C_US_Florida_TE_Orthos/textures folder inside your custom scenery folder and sort them by file size. Let me know if you see any files ending in .DDS file less that 11MB in size. Specifically if you notice any sizes that at 0kb in size, then this is a red flag


I'd also suggest trying a verify files check inside Orbx Central, as it should pick this up.


This is not a problem often reported by other users, and the only times I've seen something similar is because of a corrupted install.

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I'll reinstall later and check that. I will try this time with the low resolution version

before I uninstalled, I did run the verify files from Orbx Central and it passed with no problem.

thank you

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I uninstalled and reinstalled. After that verify the files, and checked for the DDS. Are those files are the same size 10923KB.

I have a separated thread, i am moving that library to another disk, an SSD this time, lets see if that makes a difference.

Interesting that from all the maps, just florida not working, but south britain and florida, both are in a HDD disk. Britain works fine, just took longer to load in XP.



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