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Cannot Load Xp11

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Purchased and downloaded all of the Orbx packages for Xp11 today and after 3 hours of numerous attempts to launch the sim it never loads. It fails when Xp11 is "loading boat objects". I can never load past this point. I have removed all of the Orbx packages and it launches normally.


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12 minutes ago, tmccarty1 said:

Purchased and downloaded all of the Orbx packages for Xp11 today and after 3 hours of numerous attempts to launch the sim it never loads. It fails when Xp11 is "loading boat objects". I can never load past this point. I have removed all of the Orbx packages and it launches normally.

Log.txt 115.08 kB · 0 downloads

I need the Log file generated when you have the Orbx addons enabled as the one you attached doesn't indicate the problems you are having.

To test you may also do the following:

Rename your Custom scenery folder to Custom Scenery.BAK. Make a new folder called Custom Scenery.

From your Custom Scenery.BAK folder, make shortcuts for one of the Orbx TE areas like TE SoCal and also Global Airports. Place those shortcuts into the new Custom Scenery folder. Run XP and immediately exit. Check your scenery_packs.ini to ensure that Global Airports is above TE Socal Custom/Overlay/Orthos. Try a flight in Socal.

Remember that the loading time can be quite extensive with a large addon like SoCal and it also depends on the read/write speed of your disk drive. I have seen reports of up to 8 minutes to load, so for test purposes let it run. You should be able to see if your Disk drive is active as most PCs have a redlight that flashes when loading and reading data.

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After 13 minutes of letting it run, I was able to load into the sim. However, with a quite pitiful 10 FPS. Is the performance any better in 11.50? How can this horrendous load time be reduced without having to reduce my sim settings or removing scenery as that is an inconvenience?


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16 minutes ago, tmccarty1 said:

After 13 minutes of letting it run, I was able to load into the sim. However, with a quite pitiful 10 FPS. Is the performance any better in 11.50? How can this horrendous load time be reduced without having to reduce my sim settings or removing scenery as that is an inconvenience?

Log.txt 130.13 kB · 2 downloads

The fact it loaded but took 13 minutes + unfortunately is not something in the Orbx addon that can be rectified. It is a hardware related issue.

There is the current opportunity to try 11,50beta where you will definitely get better fps but it will not affect your load times, in fact for the initial load it may take longer. This is due to the read/write speed and load of your Disk drive and settings. 

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14 minutes ago, tmccarty1 said:

So are recommending that I move the Orbx scenery over to my SSD to maybe get a slightly faster load time?

Absolutely yes. There will be a significant load time improvement. Your SSD will read at around 500MB/s versus a probable 80-120MB/s rate of an ordinary HDD.

You could move some low GB?MB addons like airports to the slower drive to make room for example. I have all my non True Earth addons  like Orbx airports on a slower drive (SSD) vs my True Earth addons on my NVME M2 drive which reads at 3500MB/s. Other addons like freeware airports, X-Europe, SFD Global etc are on my other dives with read/write at 80-120MB/s.

Load times are quick.

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Guess that means I'll finally just get an NVME. I've been holding off as I have my main install of XP on my SSD boot drive and all of my scenery is on my 12 TB D drive using a shortcut. Thanks for your help! Cheers!

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