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LOWS missing airport buildings

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Hi, maybe it is a known bug, maybe not, but I am experiencing this only at LOWS, Salzburg airport: Two main airport buildings are missing in P3dv5; I have compared it with P3Dv4. I am using Orbx Global Base Pack, Buildigs HD, Trees HD, Germany South, Innsbruck Airport. Prior to this message I have checked the forum for solutions, among those also the solution offered to solve the problem with " Fix for blocks in the Orbx scenery" by Nick Cooper, which in fact solved my "blocks" problem, thus have verified all above mentioned files in Orbx Central, Synced with my simulator etc. etc. etc. Now the remaining issue is as said above the missing buildings, having compared with P3Dv4, there were missing two: you can see just some "floating" chimneys and a mini tower. Please check attached pictures. I have unchecked FTS areas in my scenery library and systematically activated them back to see "what happens when". Pictures are self-explanatory. 1st picture (2727) is the one with only FTX EU GES 08 CUSTOM on, then I have activated GES 07 resulting in picture 2729 and finally activated all resulting in screenshot 2730. Can someone advise how to bring back those terminals? Is it a Orbx bug? Thanks in advance for any comment. 


Screenshot (2727).png

Screenshot (2728).png

Screenshot (2729).png

Screenshot (2731).png

Screenshot (2730).png

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