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Colored Scenery Tiles for EU/ENGLAND + Around EKCH

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I have already searched and found for similar problems to mine, like this post and this other post about black or mismatched tiles. 

I have also already tried for suggested fixes, like this one, or this other one.

But, my problem seems different.

The tiles in my case are all colored tiles. And it is only affecting the whole of ENGLAND as well as the area around EKCH.

Here are some screenshots:

1. Colored tiles:


2. ENGLAND (Top-Down View):

3. Around EKCH airport area:

All my Orbx products are still installed in Prepar3d v4 directory. I tried to migrate them to Library. But, it seems as if nothing happens whne I click on the "Migrate to Library"blue button for each product that can be migrated.

I am running P3D 4.5 with HF3 installed by removing and reinstalling (in order) Client, Content and finally Scenery.

Orbx is fully updated (Orbs Central v.4.1.7 and all other products updated and files verified).

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Stay well and safe and happy flying!



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21 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


please take a look here and see if it helps.



Thank you Nick ... Yes it worked now.
That is one of the two fixes I already tried yesterday and which did not work for me. However, I must say that when I tried to rename lclookup.bgl as lclookup.bgl .off, I could not save the file with the new * .off extension. I thought it had something to do with system files that cannot be overwritten. So, I simply renamed that file as BAK-lclookup.bgl.
Only today I realized that P3D4 was still reading BAK-lclookup.bgl, even if I had the new lclookup.bgl in the same folder, after running verify files. I know that for a fact, because after deleting  BAK-lclookup.bgl and restaring P3D, there was the error message that BAK-lclookup.bgl could not be found.
That means, the only way to make the old lclookup.bgl file invisible to P3D is to add * .off at the end and not simply renaming the file with any other name.
So sorry for any inconvenience caused. But, many thanks for teaching me something new. We never stop learning ...
Kind regards,

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