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Global Base plus EU England - non VFR use question

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Currently I'm exclusively flying airliners and would like to better understand the pros and cons of using Global Base along with EU England, and a range of airport addons from Orbx and other suppliers.

If I used Central to uninstall EU England, whilst flying airliners, what detail would I stand to lose, and is it possible in doing so I may improve performance at all?
I'd note that CPU/GPU are not being pushed hard right now, but have been wondering if my combination of scenery is somehow causing an issue with ChasePlane, where I've seen some notchy transitions, that I've not figured out yet.

In terms of detail, I'm thinking of places such as London city buildings etc, noting I do have Orbx EGLC also - whilst EGLL is the UK2000 product. I have to admit some ignorance as to which product delivers the city details, so any pointers there would be useful.

Regarding performance, I'm trying to bottom out some issues using ChasePlane VC cameras. I'm trying to get a better understanding of this as I believe the issues I've seen were not so obvious when flying a route in NA, namely KSFO>KLAS, and the only Orbx products I have there are of course Global Base, and NA Socal, though I suspect the sim may not be calling upon the latter due to the nature of the route.

So I guess the main query is about best use of EU England, in conjunction with the other products I mention, when the only aspect of lower altitude flight would be departure/arrival, using London city building details as an example - which of course is quite splendid, especially on approach to EGLL.

Thanks in advance


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1 hour ago, DaveRuk said:

If I used Central to uninstall EU England, whilst flying airliners, what detail would I stand to lose, and is it possible in doing so I may improve performance at all?




Instead of uninstalling, why not just simply uncheck\deactivate the scenery and test till your hearts content?

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Hi Doug, thanks for that suggestion, I wasn’t sure of the recommended way to go about things. So if using the sim interface to disable EU England is a simple and safe way to try a different configuration, without removing that item from my library altogether, I shall give it a go. I’m pretty sure that my EGLL product is quite a demanding one, but having noticed that difference when a regional layer wasn’t present, it got me wondering about that aspect.


as I always say, the learning never stops!




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Ah, would just like to check before I try things out - would it just be scenery entry FTX_EU_ENG_05_SCENERY that I would need to unselect in P3D scenery library, to just run Global Base plus my airports, without EU England active? I'm suddenly also thinking if that's right would I need to re-enable related airport named .BGL files that are currently named as .OFF (to avoid 3rd party scenery issues, usually elevation)


Many thanks


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