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OrbxlibsXP Scenery Error


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Hi to all

First let me say thankyou and i hope you are all well and staying safe in these difficult times.

I'm hoping someone out there can help with this issue that i've had for the last few days since updating to the latest version of X Plane's Vulkan 11.50 b4 (64-Bit).

Please find attached the some pictures to show the errors. I have also added my scenery_packs.ini.

I fly VR with my Oculus Rift S, and before the update to Vulkan everything worked and never got the message telling me  ( The Scenery may not look correct ).


Hope to hear back from someone with a way back to the skies.

Many thanks

Khalil Qiradar

vulkan version.PNG

orbx scenery error.PNG

orbx my products.PNG


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Message is the same for everyone using OrbxLibs with 11.50. Orbx will make the required fixes when 11.50 becomes a Release and out of beta. It appears to have no adverse effect or cause noticeable anomalies at all as far as I can report.

I have made a couple of adjustments to your scenery_packs.ini to bring the Orbx TE addons to the correct layering location in the scenery pack.


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Good evening Jon

Many thanks for your fast reply to my question.

I will check this out now and try it, then will update...



after checking both scenery_packs.ini side by side, they both seem to be the same and can not see the adjustments you have made.


Once again thank you 

khalil Qiradar ( karl )

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10 hours ago, ARCANGEL said:

Good evening Jon

Many thanks for your fast reply to my question.

I will check this out now and try it, then will update...



after checking both scenery_packs.ini side by side, they both seem to be the same and can not see the adjustments you have made.


Once again thank you 

khalil Qiradar ( karl )

You are absolutely correct and I apologise. I attached your original scenery_packs.ini and not the one I changed.

Here is the revised version !!!


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Hi Jon

Just to let you know that did not sort out the issue with the scenery, not to worry ive given up on it now.spent the last 3 days trying to fix it. Just dont undersatand why...when i was on version 11.41 everything worked perfectly, but since the upgrade to 11.54b..it comes up no matter what i do...will just have to wait like you've said about it coming out of beta.

thank you for the time and effort in going through my files.


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8 hours ago, ARCANGEL said:

Hi Jon

Just to let you know that did not sort out the issue with the scenery, not to worry ive given up on it now.spent the last 3 days trying to fix it. Just dont undersatand why...when i was on version 11.41 everything worked perfectly, but since the upgrade to 11.54b..it comes up no matter what i do...will just have to wait like you've said about it coming out of beta.

thank you for the time and effort in going through my files.


Hi. The rearranged scenery_packs.ini was never intended to rectify the error message regarding OrbxLibs. That is something to do with Laminar and 11.50. The rearranged scenery pack was to optimise and correctly place the scenery layering.

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