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True Earth GB South Severn Bridge Lighting

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Hey all,


Got TE GB South today and on a VFR flight i noticed some very bright green lights on the new Severn Bridge. The old Severn Bridge looks fine and the lighting is as real life. I've attached two pics to show the difference and one real life pic to show what it should look like. It could be an intentional texture as 2 other people with TE GB South also see the lights. As a Welsh man who has been over the Severn Bridge many times i can 100% confirm there is no such bright green ufo looking lights. 





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The lighting you see is correct as per the addon, but as a Hereford man I too have been a cross it many times and agree it's lighting is over exaggerated and too "colourful"

I may appear modified in an update but that would be something for the devs to note and prioritise. This lighting issue has been reported a long while back.

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10 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

The lighting you see is correct as per the addon, but as a Hereford man I too have been a cross it many times and agree it's lighting is over exaggerated and too "colourful"

I may appear modified in an update but that would be something for the devs to note and prioritise. This lighting issue has been reported a long while back.

Okay, Do you know if there is anyway there is a file to delete the lighting ourselves. If not a mention to the devs would be amazing!

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