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South African Scenery Disappointing in new Global OpenLC Africa Release

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Good day,

I have to say that I am sorely disappointed in the way Orbx Central has delivered Global Open LC Africa to my computer. The South African scenery is seriously blurred and I am unable to correct it.


All my Orbx scenery which was installed with FTX Central has been installed perfectly and I don't understand why FTX Central was discontinued. Be that as it may, it would be very nice if I were able to enjoy all the hard work that went into producing Global Open LC Africa and I hope the serious blurring problem can be resolved, otherwise I shall have to ask for a refund.



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welcome to the forums and thank you for sharing your opinion.

The title of your topic seems to suggest that the product is faulty

and yet the content seems to suggest that there is a problem with

Orbx Central and the way that the scenery is being displayed.


Perhaps you can add a screen shot of what you are seeing and add

an indication of your computer specifications, we should then be

able to help.

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Greetings gentlemen...

I apologize in advance for replying on this topic, as I didn't want to create any new topic, unless it is necessary.

My question is slightly off this topic, although it refers to Africa.

So I recently installed the Africa open LC.

I did the steps advised by Nick as,


''First run Verify files for Global Base and for all your open LC products.

Before posting a support request, please try this fix:




Please try renaming Scenery\BASE\Scenery\lclookup.bgl to lclookup.bgl .off

and C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\terrain.cfg to terrain.cfg.off

Then run Verify files for the Orbx Libraries and Sync Simulator in Orbx Central before trying again.



But if I rename the lclookup.bgl to lclookup.bgl .off , my P3dv4 wont start...

if I recovery those files to the original name, the blocks will keep showing.
I wonder if a there is a different priority order that i should consider on Library.

Or any other step that I might be missing  
Thanks again for your support, and once more excuse-me if this is the wrong place to do it.


best regards

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3 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


the next line needs to be carried out as well, before you start P3D.


Hi Nick, thanks for your reply and support...

I did this. After I verified the OLC files, I ran the Libraries Verification, on the Central...

as for the simulator sync, I assume it is done, as it shows "P3DV4 on the central…  I see no other options.

please advise

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