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Now I'm in big troubles


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All world is gone (forever??)...

I have seeked through the forums here and at Avsim and found here a similar problem.

But first I should mention that for many weeks I hadnt had problems, so there is no fundamental problems with installation as the previous posts I've read.


Everything was fine, I have tons of excellent snapshots but one day, in the middle of flying FSX crashed. I was flying in Europe but forgoten to shut off FTX PNW.  Sceneries were anyway good looking.

AFTER the crash I had first

1) water everywhere

2) black textures everywhere with autogen on it.

In  the meantime I switched FTX off.

Tried to  find clues in terrain.cfg and scenery.cfg, also copyed some basic scenery and textures stuff from another machine ( I fly in a wideview network).

Tried to desactivate add-ons sceneries, photosceneries and also reactivate them. For Europe I use UTX, GEX and FSsceneX. As I said there were no any major conflicts before. Catastrophe just happens in half a minute.

I'm not entusiast at all, at de-installing and reinstalling because of all the add-ons activation and FSX+accel pack itself. (FLight1, CaptainSim, IYP, Aivla etc...)

But I have to say that I just CANT fly anywhere,  there is no difference in any part of the world, any installed photoscenery or the landclasses/textures packages.

What should I do next? (besides of reading more forum posts)


FTX PNW Order: FSS0053872

FSX+ XLpack,WIN7 64b, 8GB ram, PhenomII, ATI4850. FPS above 30 (when working)

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Hi Eric,

sorry to hear that, this doesn't sound good indeed. It's possible that FSX crashed in the middle of writing to a specific file, like terrain.cfg or the shaders code. If so it could be an easy fix. Can you post a screenshot of what you're seeing right now?

I assume you've already tried removing the current fsx.cfg file (make a backup first) and letting FSX build a new one on restart?

Cheers, Holger

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yes deleting fsx.cfg has always be a helper for me, but not this time. I'm now back at home and will make some screenshots.

One thing I noticed, a post where scenery.cfg should have at layer 001 TERRAIN and so on...

In my scenery.cfg  001 begins with scenery not terrain. I will replace it and let's see...


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So for the first screenshot I did'nt even bother sent it because: it was plain garbage, a dismantled airplane in the middle of nowhere...

I had early just removed the shaders folder.

So before hanging myself I did have a last look at scenery.cfg and, I replaced all bases entries until add-ons (around 120) entries and now I may live a few years more. Everything looks ok, I've not yet tried PNW but three different places in the world with UTX/GEX and also with photosceneries (all of SPAIN).

After 36 hours of anxiousity the fix was an easy one (after a bad night)...

I 've had some elevations problems in PNW as I wrote a few weeks ago but it looks like they are also elsewhere (St Barth, and Aerosoft Ibiza) as well. I downloaded PNW patch and will experiment more.

For a FTX newby: Is it mandatory to switch ftx off when NOT flying in FTX areas?

Now for the good things:

Flying with three widescreens in a scenery like PNW is almost like a full motion sim, at least for the eyes the fact of having sharps near realife side windows greatly enhance the moments of flying.

Happy again


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I will let the rope in the closet...

Two entries where missings at layer 001 TERRAIN and 002 SCENERY BASE, then begin at 003 the series of bases

I just do'nt know when and why this happened?

But in the event of a similar problem to anyone (I hope not) a triplecheck of scenery.cfg really helps.



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Hello Eric,

many thanks for providing all the information, much appreciated!

Indeed, I remember some people having similar issues due to those missing or corrupt entries in the scenery.cfg file. Looks like it got messed up during your crash.

FTX Central will automatically check and re-insert the FTX scenery.cfg entries so you won't have to do that manually.

The PNW patch will take care of elevation issues at some airports when FTX Central was set to Default FSX.

The global files we switch in and out with FTXCentral primarily affect autogen type and textures. You can certainly leave FTX Central set to North America while flying on this continent. Moreover, if you don't notice any difference you can leave it active even when flying in Europe or elsewhere (for the most part other continents have separate autogen textures anyway, which FTX doesn't touch).

The only time you really should set FTX Central back to Default is before installing an add-on that also replaces ground or autogen textures, like GEX or Samoshin.

Cheers, Holger

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