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Extracting error when downloading


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I tried to rep-downlaod all of my Orbx scenery however I am receiving an error after downloading Orbx Libraries. It says 9 files failed to extract. I tried to verify files and I am getting the same error again. 


I am on a Mac running 10.15.1 (Catalina). I am not sure what information you require. 

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 7.19.08 PM.png

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@Turbo Welcome to the forums but sorry to hear about your problem.

I am not familiar with the Mac OS so bear with me.

I need a copy of your Orbx Central log file initially please. You should be able to get this from Orbx Central/Settings/Help.

See my attached pic. Then after you have saved a copy into a text , attach it by dragging it to the bottom of your reply post where it says

"Drag files here to attach, or Choose files"

I need to know in the meantime if you are downloading the files to your C drive? If so what free space do you have on that drive. Typically the extraction will result in a file twice the size of the download.If that fails, you could try uninstalling OrbxLibsXP via Orbx Central and then, still in Orbx Central go to Downloader and clear your Temp folder as in my pic 2. Reboot your PC and try another install.


Pic 1:






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7 minutes ago, Turbo said:

central.log.zip 1.2 MB · 0 downloads


Hello thanks for your reply.


I hope you can read the log.I am downloading into a 2TB hard drive so I don't believe space is the issue. I am going to try your work around now



Let me know the result. I will wait your reply to see if I need to get @Nick Cooper to forward this and your Central Log to the Orbx Central support team

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