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EGJA Alderney - Weird elevation at Burhou

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I'm having this weird issue where the elevation on Burhou is all messed up (The small island just to the north of Alderney) The coast of the island appears to be fine but the interior is at sea level which isn't the case in reality as seen in these photos





I don't have any custom elevation meshes installed, just Orbx stuff and a few custom airports that are nowhere near this part of the world. Is this a problem at my end or with the product itself?

Some pics of what I'm seeing:



Or maybe its the coastline that's too steep? I'm not sure.

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OK this is weird. The only non-Orbx scenery I have installed is UK2000 Bristol Airport which I very much doubted would cause problems but to make sure I disabled it and nope, problem still there. So that just left the Orbx scenery. I disabled everything apart from Alderney and the elevation was correct just like in stiletto2's screenshot. I then re-enabled everything one by one until I found the culprit: the Orbx EU England region.


When I enable it I get the problem shown in my first post screenshots. I looked at my scenery layers and saw that for some reason there were two entries; FTX_EU_ENG_05_SCENERY Orbx EU Wales and FTX_EU_ENG_05_SCENERY Orbx EU Scotland placed right at the top for some reason. I moved them manually down to the rest of the FTX Region entries but the problem didn't go away. I tried verifying both EU England and EGJA Alderney and also using Sync Simulator option in Help but that didn't fix it either. I Messed about with my Mesh and Tesselation settings and no joy (apart from the amusment at seeing the world rendered at lowest mesh and tess settings). I manually put Alderney at the highest priority and nothing.


It seems that the only 'fix' for me is to disable EU England which is really quite odd. The only other thing I can think of that might be causing an issue is that I use the external library method when installing my Orbx products (apart from the few that can't) but I believe that should cause any problems. I've attatched my scenery.cfg incase anyone wants to have a look at it and figure out if I'm doing anything wrong.



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Oh guess stuff installed via the Library method doesn't show in the sceneries.cfg but in add-ons.cfg because I definitely have dozens of Orbx products installed and working in sim!



Also uploaded the add-ons.cfg. I dunno where scenery layering for add-ons happens, but I can see everything looks correct in the Scenery library. Orbx Airports and Regions beneath UK2000 Bristol as set in my insertation point all correct and openLC stuff under that. Everything else seems to work just fine, just the weird coastline around these small islets just to the north of Alderney...


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It is my understanding that when scenery items are installed outside the simulator via the .xml method it does not matter what order they appear in the scenery library. Only if they are installed to the simulator root folder and appear in the scenery.cfg is when the layering has any affect.


I would also uninstall the Orbx Libraries from the current external location and reinstall them to the simulator root Orbx folder.

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