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2070 Super.


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Has anybody bought this graphics card and how does it perform in the Fltsims like XPlane and maybe the new Fltsim coming out. As would like to upgrade my computer at a later date. Supposedly after watching a few videos about it, this card performs equivalent to the old 1080ti. Mean would love to get the 2080ti , but at around £1000 each, think that’s a no no. Plus I would be dead if the boss found out. :lol:. I have been thinking about going for an old 1080ti as that would probably do me but the only place you can get them now is on EBay and frankly I would be afraid of getting one that’s been overclocked to hell. Thanks for any help Derek.

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I recently went from a four year old GTX 1070 to a RTX 1070 Super. I did also go from a series 4 i7 to a series 9 i7 (9700K) at the same time so can't comment on the GPU improvement alone

Like you, I watched all of the reviews before buying it and decided not to just move the old GTX 1070 into the new kit.


I'm impressed with it. Runs fast, hasn't reached 100%, with three attached 1080 screens, doesn't get too hot. Seems to be good value compared to the RTX 2080ti.


I guess you could hold off.



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With more and more satellite imageries and VR in the future of all flight sims, we now know the memory on video cards will be an important thing to look at.  I think it's a good idea to wait for cards with more video ram on it. 8G of VRAM will not be enough in few months...



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