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Missing Tile detail Panama City (KECP)TE Florida


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I have flown from Key West to Cape Canaveral and MCO. Love it! I flew from Destin to KECP (NW Fla Beaches International) and the TE coverage was missing. I have included a pic from where it ended. Trying to verify download. No tsure what to do to fix . Thanks. 

CirrusSF50 - 2020-02-17 18.05.31.png

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Is your pic near KECP? I am trying to see if I get the same pic and that it represents where the TE Florida coverage ends or if you have missing files. I have just been to KECP and gone to 10000ft to view ahead and see coverage. Please give a coordinate if possible.

Also go into TE Florida/Custom and delete the file convert.json and rerun the Verify Files

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Thanks for trying to help! If you fly from KECP,  heading 251 for 12.1 nm to intersect the coast. This is just west of Phillips Inlet.  That is the transition of the tile . West of this is ORBX and East is default without overly except at airport.  I deleted the file you suggested and then ran the Verify Files option but nothing changed. I am including my .ini file as this is usually where things like this get strange. I can usually solve it in Ortho but I'm  not sure how ORBX plays!  Do you think a full TE Florida, uninstall, reinstall might help? Hoping it is just a scenery conflict. 

Thanks again!




CirrusSF50 - 2020-02-18 21.55.02.png

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I attach 2 pics of what I see in the location you refer to. The first pic shows me just over Phillips Inlet. The second pic shows me at about 7000ft but looking ahead. You can see that I have TE Florida coverage in that area compared with your pics.

The scenery_packs.ini may have something to do with your anomaly but I will wait until you attach it.




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When you said you could not see TE Florida Installed, I took a closer look. My scroll wheel on my mouse has failed and I was not seeing all the .ini file! Found and moved TE Florida up in the order and that's all it took! Not sure why only that section of Florida took the hit but , all is well now! Full scenery available. Simple solution. Failure on my part! Learning a little everyday! 

Thanks for hanging in there and showing the way to the issue. 

Until I mess it up again! 



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