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EGHI Southampton conflicts with TE GBS


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I have both Orbx EGHI and OrbxTE GBS (P3D4.5) but whenever I use EGHI, the TE taxiways show through. When I disable TE GBS, the problem goes away and I have a perfect, wonderful EGHI. I've tried uninstalling EGHI and reinstalling it but the problem persists. EGHI is above TE GBS in the scenery library. Any ideas how I can fix this?771245640_eghiproblem1.thumb.jpg.882ce0074c0698fa07005a129511f7ee.jpg1561938696_eghiprob2.thumb.jpg.ad8d13049ed03e60da612dc143f217e4.jpg 

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I have set up the same scenario as yours and yet I see no additional ground markings.

I am assuming that your version of EGHI is fully up to date.




The most likely cause would be another airport version at the same place, although it seems odd to have only taxiway markings.

Do you have any additional software that might add them?

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Solved! :D:D


Christopher, you were right, - the problem was with UK2000 VFR Airfields 1, which I have now uninstalled, not Orbx. It didn't occur to me that it could be that because Southampton was unselected in the UK2000 VFR Airfields 1 options interface tickbox. Also very odd that disabling OrbX TEGBS removed the interloping taxi lines, but that's not Orbx's fault.


I've found that UK2000 VFR Airfields are looking very dated by today's standards and in many cases are no better than those in TE GB, so I don't think I'll miss them.


Thanks to you both for your very prompt help,





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No problem, Dave.


For future reference (for anyone who is reading this), if you disable a particular UK2000 airfield from one of the VFR Airfields packages, and you still have issues like the above, then check the UK2000 VFR Airfields x (where "x" is the Volume number)/Scenery folder to see if any files have not been disabled. For example,  Dave would have seen one or two files starting with "EGHI..." in that folder. It seems that the OPTIONS utility is not entirely foolproof, but it is easily rectified by making these additional checks.

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