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Library Remnant from TrueEarth South Britain v1.1?

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In C:\Users\Owner\Orbx Library\p3dv4\Libraries there is a 12GB folder TrueEarth Great Britain Libraries, dated for my latest TE install in December 2019, which is entered in the scenery.cfg file.

There is also a 56.7GB folder TrueEarth Great Britain South, dated August 2019 when I initially installed Great Britain South, which is not entered in the scenery.cfg file.  Is this folder still necessary or can I delete it to free up disk space?




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the TrueEarth Great Britain Libraries are a vital part of TEGB and should not be removed.

The new TEGB South folders are all named FTX_EU_!GBSII, so please check the 

56.7GB folder TrueEarth Great Britain South.

The original folders are all named FTX_EU_!GBS and are no longer necessary.

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