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orbx central "a communication error occured....."

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Order Information

Transaction ID: 5e0787be5e967

  • Product: Global Buildings HD
  • Amount paid: $17.48 AUD
  • Purchased at: 2019-12-28 18:06:15
  • Quantity: 1

log file attached

after installing orbx central, mesage error "a communication  error occured when  trying to perform this" , when i want to update libraries or orbx base pack or installing bulding hd newly purchased yesterday

please advice






Operating system:  win 7 64 bit

Simulator:  FSX box


Issue:  after installing orbx central, mesage error "a communication  error occured when  trying to perform this" , when i want to update libraries or orbx base pack or installing bulding hd newly purchased yesterday



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Hello Daniel,

welcome to the forums.

Can you check and make sure that all these prerequisites are in place please?


System Requirements


Windows 7 SP1+, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 are supported. The following components need to be installed for Central to function correctly:



Additional Requirements for Windows 7 and 8

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