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orbx true earth central


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hi everyone I have just bought the package of TE UK for P3d


looking at the 1st pic which is my taken from x plane 11 looking at my home town of Goole on my machine and looks outstanding. then we go to the 2nd and 3rd and it is very poor and looks nothing like  x plane shot and the frames per second are half.


can someone explain what is going on and how to solve this ?

Cessna_172SP - 2019-12-22 16.30.09.png



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Hard do tell if there's anything wrong without any location information but the missing crane indicates that you're missing some autogen content. I've just created a known issues thread, have a look at #2 here:



Can you give coordinates or a unique town name so that we can have a look at the location ourselves?

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hi Sascha thanks for the reply I have attached a screenshot with the co ordinates. also checked the thread and all my sliders are good and as per recommendation of orbx TE.


why can I not see the powerstations etc that were part of the orbx England scenery ?


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Thanks! As mentioned please have a look at the link to fix your issue with the missing crane and many other objects.


Also it looks like not all of the more complex industrial/commercial buildings are displayed which indicates that you didn't max out your scenery density settings (see manual for more information on the settings).




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Looks like you're having a problem with another scenery interfering with the autogen entries and suppressing some of your content. Which requires some troubleshooting from your side I'm afraid as mentioned in #2 on my previously mentioned link:



Also we recommend not to use the speed trees/dynamic trees. They stand out horribly (too bright as can be seen on the last screenshot) and eat performance like nothing else.




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