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Australia and New Zealand AI - No Scrolling in Config

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All of a sudden the P3DV4 ANZ AI Config is only showing the 4 ORBX settings and no others (see Image). I am unable to scroll to Default nor Fly Tampa Sydney or Optional ATC. I did a File Verify (all good) then an uninstall/re-install still no good. I am running ORBX Central V4.0.33. Any ideas?






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Yes, I have just done this and works with V3. I am pretty sure it worked with V4.0.23 but could not revert as Central updated automatically to V4.0.33. Without the Enhanced APX for Fly Tampa Sydney available I get weird extra buildings in the middle of the tarmac. I think this is a fault in ORBX Central V4.0.33. Oh well I will stay on V3 for a while. I hope someone from ORBX will address this soon. I have a feeling there could be other Configuration issues here as well.

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Hi Nick, well my Fly Tampa is in the default position:- ...Prepare3dv4/ as you have it above. So it is in the correct folder and the .pdf is there.  Patful above also reports the same issue. I think there are other issues with configurations as well. but I have not researched those yet. I am a bit over the issues above but if I re-install V4.0.33 I will let you know. So I can definitely assure you my Fly Tampa Sydney is in the correct place and the .pdf is there as well. Thankfully I am able to still use V3 of ORBX Central. It works fine. I cannot guarantee it but I am almost certain V4.0.23 worked absolutely correctly with all of this.

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the control panel with this proviso is not in FTX central but Orbx Central.

I have edited the control panel file to remove this condition and attached it.

It goes into Orbx\Scripts


I do not have the YSSY addon but now see this




and so should you.

It seems to work in FTX Central too.


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