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L05 Kern Valley No Buildings


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I recently updated from FTX Central to Orbx Central in FSX. I then purchased L05 and CYBD (CYBD is working fine). The runway, taxiway and area surrounding L05 look fine but there are no buildings on the airport. Layering looks correct, I even tried moving it to the top of the scenery list as a test with no results. I see no overt errors in the scenery.cfg or DLL.XML (unless there's an entry missing). I'm currently running:


  -Base Pack


  -OpenLC North America

Regions: All North America regions including Southern California


All products are up to date according to Orbx Central. Any help would be appreciated.




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Hi Doug,

Thanks for the tips. As part of my troubleshooting I ran through all scenery files to make sure all were up to date and a did a file verification on each. I have not tried the Sync Simulator function. I will give that a try.


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3 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

I would then go to settings/help and run the Sync Simulator function.


No luck with that either, but thanks for the suggestion. I have to admit, this has me completely flummoxed. The only problem I've ever had with an Orbx product was years ago with the grassy areas in PAJN not showing up which a sharp Orbx guru nailed down to a DLL.XML problem. There's no exclude in Vector for this airport and I've tried to manually rename any other .BGL's for L05 in case of a conflict also with no luck. I'm running out of ideas.

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