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I've just installed a number of Orbx airports and Australia v2, I already have the base and Europe openLC product, a few others, and airports from other developers. After installing these, I opened up the sim. All of the Orbx openLC and base files are above the airport ones from other developers. I am using the latest version of Orbx Central. I tried the syncing thing in the Orbx central settings, but it didn't work. I'm not sure what to do in order to make my scenery library in the correct order.


Kind regards,


Max Kemp




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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:


please visit the Insertion Point tool and set the Orbx entries to where you want them.

You will find it on the Orbx Central settings page.


Hi Nick,


I'm not sure where to put my Orbx entries in my scenery library. I have tried it in different places, resulting in the sim crashing upon loading into it, or the scenery still looking incorrect, eg. default scenery overlapping addon scenery.





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