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Central will not synchronise with XPlane. Cannot install anything.


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this is the error message.



The Orbx Central worker process failed to start. Please check the user guide for troubleshooting advice at http://orbx.to/central-guide


Please check these prerequisites from the said User Guide.






Windows 7 SP1+, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 are supported. The following components need to be installed for Central to function correctly:



Additional Requirements for Windows 7 and 8



I also see this



Library integrity check failed for Library My Library (D:\Orb\XP11 2). Error: Library path does not exist.


which you might want to take a look at.

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the most common cause of that it that not all of the prerequisites are installed.

Can you check please?





System Requirements


Windows 7 SP1+, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 are supported. The following components need to be installed for Central to function correctly:



Additional Requirements for Windows 7 and 8





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Yes, everyting above installed. But what did the trick? Had to manually find and start the program: C:\Users\peran\AppData\Local\Programs\orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe. 


It finally synchronised and seem to be happilly installing...we`ll see how it goes.

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