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I've only ended up with two of 'em!

John York

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I bought the Citation Mustang and quite like it but not the difficulties I always encounter with the altitude adjustments when using auto pilot.  Then I heard about the beautiful little 'plane Epic Victory VLJ in the hope that the auto pilot would be a little easier to use.  It isn't really and now I like both aircraft equally. 

They handle really well and both look 'something else' but oh their auto pilots! ::)  The strange thing is its only difficult to deal with the altitude.  All the other controls are very easy and obvious.

Now I'm stuck with two fabulous aircraft but after some considerable time even with help still can't fathom how to adjust the altitudes while in flight!  I know I'm thick and old but surely the real world equivalents can't be this complicated.

Oh well. ;D


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Sounds like you need to read up on how Altitude pre-select operates. I don't have either of these bird so I cant advise but as a real world pilot many autopilots can do strange things with altitude until you figure out how they need to be operated.

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John, you will find a very good manual inside the Epic victory folder,  in Simobjects/Airplanes.  On page 17, there are very clear directions on setting the altitude desired.

Read the Friendly Manual...


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I've read and re read the manuals for both planes and especially the Auto Pilot bits several times and although I feel I'm following the instructions to the letter, they don't seem to work.  But then suddenly they do!  Then they don't when I want to change altitude again!   

It's almost as if there's a buit-in challenge saying; 'Now try to get me working again, see if you can!' ::)

I'll get there eventually but it's like it's been learning and trying to fly helicopters, lots of little frustrations and failures all the way.  At least with them I can land 'em now, not always where I want but at least they come down and remain in one piece when I touch down. ;D


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Yeah, thanks but its no consolation mate!  Oh, and I've got the Dodo Gurdy and have learned how to start it!  Well...err... sometimes!  You wouldn't believe it but I'm a Beta tester for one of the freeware airport developers in the UK and use the Hughes a lot for that.  Smashing little thing!

I should be in the eggbeaters forum but it's your fault, you started me on that subject.

Now I'm going to have a look at a new bit of photo real scenery of the Scilly Isles  that I've just downloaded.  Yes, I know, you've never heard of them. ;D  They're a very small but picturesque goup of islands just off the Cornish coast (about 20 miles) and they support two airports and a lot of wildlife.  The climate is benign but they can get strong winds off the Atlantic.  Main industry is tourism from the mainland and sheep!

All the best to you all.


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That's very kind of you Norman.  Thanks.  While being delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you, having played with them both some more,  I think I've got the hang of it now.  At least, with the last two short flights I got the AP working nicely on both aircraft so I must be getting somewhere.

I've also now got the lead on speed control using the keyboard, so that's more or less got over the initial problems except that I still have to decide which I prefer.  I think its the Epic Victory.  It's slightly more responsive than the Mustang and certainly offers a slightly better view and I also like the logical way (to me) in which the control keys are placed.

All the best to you all.


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