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font problem. fsx script library russian version license


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I wanted to buy from you a basic package ORBX downloaded the center and installed through it a free script EDBH. The landscape library has become unreadable. How to fix this was not when it was not. All scenes from different developers not when they did not change the font.

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to font problem. fsx script library russian version license

Hello Nick. Thanks for answering. I also translate with a translator. Tell me how you can fix it with Oldscenery.cfg. I opened it and the same one as scenery.cfg there isn’t only an installed ORBX scene and if you make a replacement there is nothing to change. The installed EDBH script disappears and the characters remain. Best regards, Sergei. Write in English, I will understand.

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Hello Sergei,

thank you for trying my suggestion.

I think that the problem can only be solved by the developers.

Can you add the Orbx areas to your scenery library manually in the meantime and save

that scenery.cfg file?

Can you also confirm that you are using Orbx Central and not FTX Central?


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Nick, I understand that. I don’t understand why the developers knowing that there is Russian localization FSX did not make their product install without errors. Buy ORBX Global for $ 100 and then fix the Unicode yourself. The English German French versions work and the Russian ones don't. They are well aware of Russian localization but ignore it. I specifically tried Orbx Central a free script to check how it works. After I wanted to buy ORBX Global, etc. Such a problem was unicode with FS Global. I bought FSX for 250s. I can’t use ORBX only because FSX is Russian localized. Best regards, Sergei.

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Hello Sergei,

fortunately, you have not yet spent any money, but it does need to be fixed.

I agree with everything you write and I am surprised to find that it does not work.

I have asked the developers to take a look and see if they can fix it, so that it does work.


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Thanks Nick. It is a pity that while they do this, 50% of the discount will end. But thanks anyway for your understanding. All the same, I want licensed content. And it’s hard to make money in Russia. You’ll think ten times before you buy something. In general, I have long wanted ORBX. It is a pity that Orbx Central does not have a Russian menu. This is not difficult to do. Maybe they don’t buy content in Russia, they all want to steal. So the developers do not want to have Russian affairs. Maybe I'm wrong about the developers. All the best to you Nick. Thank you for understanding.

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Nick generally, I almost solved this problem. You need a SceneryC.F.G file from the original English version of FSX. I edited my own how I replaced Russian with English words, the characters disappeared. But I do not know how correctly I did it. Where to get the English file. While developers will think you can do this. This is all because localization is not literate. Who puts Russian words into system files. The program does not understand them and writes characters. Nick you do not have such a file. Best regards, Sergei.

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Hello Nick. After installing FTX_VECTOR in Moscow, Red Square ended up in the river. And not only in Moscow. FTX_VECTOR should put everything on the back and he turned everything upside down. Houses in the water trees wherever what's the matter.

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