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EGBP Ambient Sounds

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I have just installed EGBP into P3Dv4.5 using Orbx Central. The scenery crashed just after loading finished. With help of earlier forum comments I found that disabling Ambient Sounds in configuration fixed the problem. 

I am reporting this in hopes that a future update will correct the issue and also someone else might be helped. It is a grand scenery.

Thank you all.

Steve P.


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Hello Steve,

a crash of a simulator when it is trying to play sounds is indicative of a

problem with the sound on the PC, rather than a problem with the sound files themselves.

I am able to sit happily at the airport and hear the sound of waves breaking on the shore,

seagulls and a car starting up and driving away.

All that and the sound of the incessant rain too.:)

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Hello All,

After seeing Sumburgh crash on loading (with sound effects enabled) consistently, i.e, reproducibly more than 10 times, today everything is working. I've got sea gulls, vehicles and waves, but no rain.

I have never had sound problems at seaside airports before. I have 29 Palms Skiathos and Samos as  well as Aerosoft Gibraltar. All have always worked (except I forgot to check them when I was having the Sumburgh problem). So it seems something failed with my sound system and fixed itself a day later. I'll never know what.

Sorry to bother you with this.


Steve P.

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