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Cardiff - A couple of questions


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Today when flying into Cardiff for the first time, I noticed a couple of things I want to ask about.


Firstly, I noticed how I had static aircraft as seen below even when I have the option for static aircraft for Cardiff in Central set to OFF. I also have the option in X-Plane to draw parked aircraft set to OFF.




Then I noticed how the object below looked like it was floating in the air. I'm guessing this might be because I have the option in X-Plane for runways to follow terrain contours...? I do want this option checked though since it makes things much more realistic.




Finally, when I parked at the gate, I noticed how the text on the jet way was very low resolution with blurry letters painted on the jet way. Is there any way to make it sharper?



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1. The aircraft you see appear to be occupying specific parking slots that are not readily available for AI traffic for some reason unknown, even with static aircraft disabled.

2. My pic shows what I see regarding elevation and there is no raised object and i have Runways follow terrain contours enabled. Maybe another mesh involved?

3. My text is the same as yours on the jetway so I guess no is the answer to can it be made sharper.



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Hi Jon and thanks for your reply.


1. Was able to get rid of the static aircraft models by creating a copy of the scenery only consisting of exclusion zones for the static aircraft models. I then made sure that scenery package is above the original one in scenery_packs.ini

2. I guess what might cause the problem is I'm using Ortho4XP all over Europe. No big deal really, just looks a bit funny

3. Again, no big deal. Was just a bit surprised by the low resolution since Orbx products normally are known for the amazing detail

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Back to nr 2, would you mind having a closer look to make sure you don't have the same issue?


I just tried temporarily disabling my Ortho4XP for the tile where Cardiff is located (+51-004) and I still have the issue as seen below. Although not as obvious as before. But the building is still hanging in the air when you get up close to it like this:



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Sorry, no it's flat ! The airport is designed to be best displayed with TEGB South which has its own mesh. Default or xp4ortho mesh will probably be the cause of the anomaly.

Seeing as the sale is on you could splash out on TEGB South and resolve the issue:) Spoil yourself for Xmas!



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Ahh, that of course explains the issue! Just had another look at the product description for Cardiff and noticed how I overlooked the information on how it might not be displayed correctly without TEGB South. My bad. Also noticed how the same thing is said in the description for Southampton which I also bought. So guess I might end up seeing similar issues over there.


Will consider getting TEGB South but since I don't spend that much time in this area, never do any low-level GA flying and already have Ortho4XP ZL17 for all of Europe, I'm not sure it would be worth it in my case even when the product is on sale ;)


Having no former experience with the TE product line, how does that work with Ortho4XP - would you disable all your Ortho4XP for the area where you have TE installed or do they work hand-in-hand?


Edited to add another question on Cardiff, is the jet ways supposed to be animated? Checking the scenery in xOrganizer, I guess not since it doesn't seem to have support for SAM nor AutoGate.


Also back to the static aircraft option. Now I've already fixed it manually as described above, but isn't the option in Central supposed to get rid of the static aircraft models seen in the screenshot in my first post without having to make a copy of the scenery and add manual exclusion zones? I thought that was the purpose of that option in Central. It also seems the scenery already is prepared for this since it comes with two Earth nav data folders. Where one of them has _statics in its name.

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I have all the TEGB  addons and also ortho4xp for the vast majority of western Europe including the island of Ireland. TEGB works fine because it will sit above the ortho4xp files in the scenry_packs.ini, but that does mean the ortho4xp files are redundant and using up a large amount of disk space. The main advantage of the TEGB addons is the colour matching so there are no visible differences between tiles that you get in ortho4xp (without doing a lot of photoshop type work). Also the overlay is far superior and accurate in all elements versus what an orth4xp overlay produces or even what X-Europe does. There are also Custom buildings and sports stadiums, additional London landmarks that work with the XP London Landmarks.

 EGFF was an early Orbx XP addon and doesn't have SAM or Autogate.

I agree about the removal option of Static Aircraft, it should mean all but for some reason it doesn't remove them all. I don't think the BA planes are in allocated parking zones for Ai but the other plane parked by the jetway I would have thought should also be removed when No Statics are chosen.


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Thanks Jon for the thorough explanation, much appreciated!


Good to hear how TE works with Ortho4XP. Maybe I'll give it a try. How's the performance hit having all these objects added? I think I heard some people complaining about poor performance having these areas installed. Guess it depends on your system of course.


Weird why the removal option for static aircraft in Central doesn't work the way it should but good thing I learned this method to get rid of any static aircraft manually. Only takes a couple of minutes and then you're good to go. And works for any airport regardless what method was used to add the static aircraft. Really nice when you're doing all your flying online and never want any static aircraft.

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Just found this in X-Plane Log.txt. Not sure what it means since I didn't experience any other issues than the ones we already discussed in here.


0:02:39.310 E/SCN: Unable to load object file: Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj
Failed to open Custom Scenery/Orbx_EGFF_A_Cardiff/opensceneryx/placeholder.obj: the file cannot be opened.

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I honestly don't know but if it isn't causing and on screen error message I would ignore it. Looking at what's in the Log can sometimes be a distraction and is only of real use in determining the possible cause of an on screen error message. You know the type of message I mean. The one that appears in the top right corner.

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Is Cardiff maybe also relying on having OpenSceneryX installed? That would explain the lines in the log file.


However, as I mentioned in the thread over at Aerosoft, I expect not having to install freeware libraries used for freeware airports when I'm only using payware airports.


Not having to worry about all the required freeware libraries etc installed was the main reason I decided to stop using freeware airports and instead go with only payware airports.

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