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No orbx products instaling into sim

Max O'Connor

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I recently decided (stupidly) to erase and reinstal my PC to solve a few bugs ive been having. I did a full erase and then started the long process of installing everything back including orbx.


I have purchased 4 orbx scenery products: Vector, base, Europe, EU england 


since reinstalling the PC i have had no luck in managing to get these back in the sim. I have tried using the new central and the old FTX central and still no luck getting these into the sim. 
I orginally thought it was the installer that wasn't working and so i erased and reinstalled the computer again. this time trying EU england first. Still nothing showing. 

This led me to think it was something going wrong instaling the files into the root for P3dv4. However, ESSA and LEBB instal perfectly. so this makes me think its not the installer and something else.


Is there another way of manually installing the products without using Central in any way or any way i can get these products to work


many thanks 

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if you use Orbx Central, please attach a copy of the log that is created after a failed attempt to install

any of the products that you cannot install.

I will move the topic to the Orbx Central forum and the developers should be able to look at the log

and see what is going wrong.

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