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True Earth GB South and Central Updates Issue


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I've updated True Earth GB South recently and find that this crashes at 6fps on my rig. Previously I was able to run it okay with the original installation in the mid to upper teens (tolerable for me whilst on the ground) whilst standing at London City airport. I also noticed this when I did an update on the Central region eralier in the year. It happened around the Preston, Lancashire area after flying from Blackpool airport. I'm apprehensive about updating GB North in case that becomes unusable as well. Please could you take a look at my log.txt for the London City crash and the scenery ini file to see if you can shine a light on the problem. Thanks

Actually I just tried taking off from Plymouth and Exeter airports and these were fine. London Heathrow also caused a crash whereas with the original install I didn't get crashes.


scenery_packs.ini Log.txt

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@whitecar  The TEGB South update did several things which increases the resource demand of your PC. It introduced PBR influenced autogen for a start and added many more POIs.

 Also looking at what I can see in your Log text regarding your XP settings, you have a couple of settings I would like you to confirm to me by providing a pic of your XP settings please/ The Log indicates you have Draw parked aircraft and also non compressed Textures, but would like confirmation.

Regarding reducing the demand on the new autogen, you can revert back to the old autogen version by doing the following. Open the  TEGB South Overlay folder and you will see 2 files marked as as autogen and autogen_old. Rename the autogen files as autogen_PBR and the autogen_old as autogen. You will then have the old non PBR version of autogen running. The PBR version is 190MB and the old version is about 22-23MB.

I have rearranged you scenery_pack.ini a bit for you and it is attached.

Just attach a pic of you XP settings with the Graphics etc on it and advise your PC specs please.


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Hi Jon


Thank-you for your help with this.


I’ve attached the info I think you want. I tried renaming the files as you suggested. The fps have increased to more like what they were using the non-pbr version but the program still crashes although later than it did with the pbr version. I use London City airport as my starting point.


Hope you can help. I’ve attached the log files for non-pbr crash (to compare with the pbr version sent last time) along with the settings files snapshots.


Please could you let me know what you recommend after reviewing the settings... apart from a new rig that is. I’m waiting to see what the Vulkan release of X-Plane does for performance.


Please could you send me a link describing what PBR is and it’s benefits. Is there a way of using the extra POIs without PBR on future updates so that the “eye-candy” is there without the processing hit?



X-Plane11 Settings for ORBX.JPG

X-Plane11 Graphics Card & SSD for ORBX.JPG

X-Plane11 PC Settings for ORBX.JPG


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@whitecar As I mentioned in my earlier post, the 2 outstandingly high and FPS reducing settings you have are Texture Quality, way too high than necessary, and Draw parked Aircraft. Set your Texture Quality to High, and AA to 2 x SSAA+FXAA 2-3 notches to the right from where you are now at full left. You can leave the Draw Parked Aircraft but can test to see if there is any further improvement by temporarily knocking it off. If you want AI but don't want to pay for a programme then try X-Life.

Regarding PBR here is a link that describes what it does in all manners of environments:



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Thanks Jon for your reply.

The texture setting seemed to fix it without any apparent loss of rendering quality. I removed draw standing aircraft which a made a little extra improvement. I'm enjoying x-plane 11 with True Earth again. pbr seems to average out the fps across the London area so built up areas don't seem to be much lower in fps than sparsely built areas.


Thanks for the pbr link and thanks for the help.

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