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Tobii Eye Tracker.


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HI Guys. just came across this in a video I was watching and to me it looked pretty good but as eye trackers they tend  be a bit expensive. Just wondering if any one use's this item for flight sims. Plus seeing as I wear glasses I wondered if it would still be OK. Derek.

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I had the idea of replacing my TrackIR setup with the Tobii tracker. I am not a fan of having to wear a headset or a cap all the time while sitting in front of my flightsim, so the eye tracking Tobii promised seemed to be the logic alternative.

Unfortunately it never turned out to be as fluid and intuitive as TrackIR. Maybe I should have bothered longer for adjusting the setup but I soon lost patience. I never got Tobii to react as fast as TrackIr. Regarding turning the viewpoint, it often lagged behind my eyes, following them somewhat too slow. Tobii also didn't really help with leaning closer to any spot in your cockpit (think reading instruments or the FMC monitor...).


I also use a 2 monitor setup, with 2 monitors bordering vertically, which seems to be quite unusual in the community. Tobii couldn't handle that as well, as it hardware seems to lack vertical sensor range for this and also its software restricts the sensor readouts to one selected monitor, meaning Tobii doesn't adjust your view when your eyes rest on the "wrong" monitor. This actually the biggest issue I have with Tobii, effectively putting me off of it.


Coming from TrackIR, I personally have to add that it feels quite weird to train your eyes for commanding view directions. Turning your head is just way much more intuitive.

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I tried one of these but it wasn't much more than a novelty. It's fiddly to set up and to calibrate, it only supports a small monitor and you have to sit very close to it. Most of all, the software seemed ill thought-out, basically working like an eye-controlled hat switch, which was very clumsy and unintuitive.Perhaps it would work better if it used motion scaling like a TrackIR. Perhaps it now does, it's a few years since I tried it.

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