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PNW Demo - Problem With Autogen Buildings

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Sorry - originally submitted this incorrectly in General Discussion which is probably why I did not receive a reply

Have installed the PNW Demo and am quite happy with the overall look and performance but autogen buildings in towns are extremely sparse even when I run Autogen set at Extremely Dense. Strangely the trees seem to show up pretty much as I would expect although of course I have never been there to know for sure (I only run Autogen Trees at 1200 per cell).  Also the airport buildings are what I would expect to see.

I use the FSX.cfg tweak of Autogen Buildings per cell = 1500 which in places such as Sydney and Melbourne gives me full building cover. As a test I tried San Francisco in the Default FSX and it had the expected number of buildings. Have also tried reinstalling the Demo with no change. Also tried reinstalling ORBX Libraries with no change.

I don't recall getting this message at the start but now when I go to FTX Central I get the following message when selecting North America. "Could not complete operation since a file already exists in this path "E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Scenery\ADE_FTX_PNW_00WA_elevation_adjustment.BGL'". When going back to Default or Australia the last word of the message changes to ''OFF''. Regardless of this message it still lets me go to the selected area.

Could someone please advise how to fix this problem as it looks like a cyclone has demolished most of the buildings in the towns.

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Hi John

Have been trying to work out how to attach screen prints. Have disabled TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_TREES_PER_CELL and the same for buildings but the problem still remains.

First picture is at Very Dense Autogen near KCLM, Extremely Dense near KCLM and Very Dense near KUIL all with tweaks disabled.

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Hi there,

thanks for the screenshots. Other than the missing buildings you also have incorrect ground textures so there are other issues.

What was your FTX Central setting when you took those pictures, North America, Australia, or FSX Default?

Did you install the PNW demo more than once? The error message regarding "*elevation_adjustment.BGL" seems to indicate that.

Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger

FTX Central was on North America. Yes I did try reinstalling the Demo when I had the problem and I think that message only came up after the reinstall.

By the way I do have 10m mesh for Western USA by Raimondo Taburet, and Rocky Mountain Landclass and your excellent Bella Coola installed if that has any bearing on the problem. I tried those items before and after the FTX entries in the Scenery listing with no change. Also when I installed the Demo I was in the Default setting.

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Hi Holger

Have since tried uninstalling the Demo as per your pinned instructions and also deleted all files containing PNW in the Scenery\World\Scenery folder. Then reinstalled on Default setting. This got rid of the message I was getting on clicking Default or North America in FTX Central but the sparse autogen was unchanged. Also tried unticking any North America items in the Scenery Library screen but again not helpful.

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Have finally found the problem – it was the Victoria+ scenery. I thought I had unticked the boxes for Victoria+ in the Scenery Library but had unfortunately left in the low priority item. The whole area now is vastly improved in addition to the autogen buildings showing. Can’t wait to explore the rest of the Demo area. Have also reactivated all my other North America items (except for Victoria+) and the scenery is still fine.

Hope this helps someone else to enjoy this great scenery.

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