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11s Autogen Issue !


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Hello ,

 I tried today to fly from 11s Sequim and I realized that a lot of my Trees are Gone !!







 I tried to Verify Files and also to Verify the Files of Object Flow Plus Libraries !! But With No Success !! A Lot of Trees Are Missing !

Any idea what Caused the Problem and How Can I fix it ?


Thank you Very Much ,


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33 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


there is already a long topic on this subject.

The answer there seems to be a connection with some scenery for New Zealand.



Thank you Nick for your reply !

I will have a look at it because , I do have All of Godzone Sceneries Installed !!



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19 hours ago, mikee said:

Thank you Nick for your reply !

I will have a look at it because , I do have All of Godzone Sceneries Installed !!




20 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


there is already a long topic on this subject.

The answer there seems to be a connection with some scenery for New Zealand.



Hello Nick ,

 I Checked with Godzone developer today and according to him , since I have Installed the Latest Version of NZCH there shouldn't be any Conflict with any ORBX Scenery !!


Today I realized that my Autogen at Israel Farm is Missing as Well !!!



Plus Autogen at 11s



This is Weird : Around the Airport's everything Seems to Be OK !!


Could you please tell me how to Solve this Autogen issue ?


I Tried To Verify The Files on both Airport's Plus ORBX Libraries and Also To Sync my Sim . But With No Success !!


Thank you ,



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14 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

I have no other answers for you unfortunately.

there was only this solution.

Not that I doubt the developer at all but it must be worth a try to remove the elements of "Godzone"

that were apparently causing the problem and see if it goes away?

Ok Nick , I will give it a try !

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On 10/26/2019 at 5:04 PM, Helifan123 said:

Let me know whether this worked out, Mike! I have the same problem (obviously, since I started the topic you linked to), but already uninstalled all the stuff from Godzone. It did not help for me, though...

Hello Helifan ,

 I did Not find Any solution to the my Autogen problem , so i am Reinstalling everything  !!!

 I Start by Installing my P3DV4.5 plus Weather engine etc... Then i Installed Godzone Sceneries .

 Today i will Start Installing all of my ORBX Stuff !

 I hope by doing this , i will Not have any Autogen Issue anymore ! ( at least for Now ;) )

 I will let you know of  the results later today ,



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This is the link to the Godzone post on the autogen issue in P3D4.5.


Are you using the Autogen Configuration Merger tool by any chance? In addition to disabling the NZCH custom autogen, you may need to restore your ORBX autogen file by running the migration fixer tool in FTC Central or ORBX Central. As a precaution, I would also suggest temporarily disabling the Autogen Configuration Merger tool until you can verify that the FTX/ORBX Central migration has fixed the issue for the ORBX sceneries, then re-enable Autogen Configuration Merger tool so that it can add back any additional custom autogen entries from other add-ons that you may have.

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Thanks for that, Steve, some useful advice. 

Just a couple of things to add -- first, there is a Real NZ NZCH updated installer which fixes the autogen issue described in the link you supplied. It is certainly recommended that you download and install the new version. It is a full installer, though, so quite a large download. There is an airport-only version available now, for those who prefer to see Orbx landclass through Christchurch and beyond, and this is a smaller download.

Running FTX Central or Orbx Central is a good idea after installing Real NZ NZCH, as Steve said it does reset the autogen descriptions to 'Orbx default'. However a 'clean' or updated install of Real NZ NZCH into Prepar3d v4.4 or later removes the need to use the Autogen Descriptions Merger tool in any Real NZ scenery, now that Prepar3d itself handles this.

Note that the specific issue with the original Real NZ NZCH installer affected autogen library objects only, and didn't affect trees/vegetation. There may be a few exceptions, for example the NZ windbreaks are library objects, because of the way they need to be placed (in lines.) So those with missing vegetation are having a separate issue unrelated to Real NZ NZCH.


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Just one more thing for the OP -- you really need to reinstall Orbx NZSI before Real NZ NZCH and the Real NZ installer needs to figure out if you have NZSI installed.

You can do things the other way around provided you 'migrated' NZSI using Orbx Central first (or maybe reinstalled using Orbx Central? Does this automatically install as add-on.xml? Someone from Orbx might want to comment), details are in the Real NZ NZCH v1.05 manual.

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This whole situation is so frustrating and depressing.  I originally found the whole VLC issue on my own and solved it.  My issue is no longer with anything Godzone.


But every couple of weeks I will go back to PNW to fly and bam, the issue has reappeared.  It is happening to me AGAIN, and I spent most of my weekend unsuccessfully trying to solve, deactivating any new add-ons, resyncing, reordering, reinstalling various ORBX products, trying FTX ver 3 as a last resort, remigrating, you name it (please do, I will try anything).  I am at a loss to try and figure it out, and I am not able to use what I paid for.


It seems limited to PNW airports, though I have not visited every single ORBX airport.  I will try any other suggestions, though I have no desire to re-install P3D and everything else as I firmly believe that without an answer as to the cause it is not a wise course of action.

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12 hours ago, JPL19 said:

This whole situation is so frustrating and depressing.  I originally found the whole VLC issue on my own and solved it.  My issue is no longer with anything Godzone.


But every couple of weeks I will go back to PNW to fly and bam, the issue has reappeared.  It is happening to me AGAIN, and I spent most of my weekend unsuccessfully trying to solve, deactivating any new add-ons, resyncing, reordering, reinstalling various ORBX products, trying FTX ver 3 as a last resort, remigrating, you name it (please do, I will try anything).  I am at a loss to try and figure it out, and I am not able to use what I paid for.


It seems limited to PNW airports, though I have not visited every single ORBX airport.  I will try any other suggestions, though I have no desire to re-install P3D and everything else as I firmly believe that without an answer as to the cause it is not a wise course of action.

Hello JPL,


You are Not the Only One  that is having issues !!! :(


Today I Realized that by Installing PTA ( Simtweaks) It Crashed my Sim.  It has to do with Shaders and I was Unable to fix it . I Tried to Restore my Shaders but No Luck ! 

The Weird thing , is that when I fly in Europe ( BTW I have Installed All ORBX Products , except True Earth...) I Do Not get any CTD ! As soon I select a US ( PNW Region ) airport to fly , I get an immediate CTD !!! So It is Not Just Gozone that it is creating issues ( Or used to create ) , but Other things as well !

Yesterday I had to Uninstall Everything and Start from the beginning (I have to reinstall approximately 850gb of Scenery , airports etc...) .  I lost my Autogen in ( 11s , WA56 05S etc...) !

It is very frustrating :angry: It such a Wonderful hobby and give us so much pleasure ! On the Other hand , there are times that I want to quit and never Sim again:banghead: 

At the moment everything seems to be OK , and I hope will be like that for a while !!

Hope everything goes well with your Sim ,




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16 minutes ago, mikee said:

Hello JPL,


You are Not the Only One  that is having issues !!! :(


Today I Realized that by Installing PTA ( Simtweaks) It Crashed my Sim.  It has to do with Shaders and I was Unable to fix it . I Tried to Restore my Shaders but No Luck ! 

The Weird thing , is that when I fly in Europe ( BTW I have Installed All ORBX Products , except True Earth...) I Do Not get any CTD ! As soon I select a US ( PNW Region ) airport to fly , I get an immediate CTD !!! So It is Not Just Gozone that it is creating issues ( Or used to create ) , but Other things as well !

Yesterday I had to Uninstall Everything and Start from the beginning (I have to reinstall approximately 850gb of Scenery , airports etc...) .  I lost my Autogen in ( 11s , WA56 05S etc...) !

It is very frustrating :angry: It such a Wonderful hobby and give us so much pleasure ! On the Other hand , there are times that I want to quit and never Sim again:banghead: 

At the moment everything seems to be OK , and I hope will be like that for a while !!

Hope everything goes well with your Sim ,




Hi Mike,


Thanks for the moral support !


If you experience a CTD issue like you describe again - check for a missing wxstationlist.bin file in the ...\Roaming\..\P3Dv4 folder.  Had a very similar issue where any east of 90deg west would immediately CTD.  Was prepping for a total reinstall when I discovered a few web posts that mentioned that . . .


Take care.



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1 hour ago, JPL19 said:

Hi Mike,


Thanks for the moral support !


If you experience a CTD issue like you describe again - check for a missing wxstationlist.bin file in the ...\Roaming\..\P3Dv4 folder.  Had a very similar issue where any east of 90deg west would immediately CTD.  Was prepping for a total reinstall when I discovered a few web posts that mentioned that . . .


Take care.



Hi Joe ! 


 wxstationlist.bin file  ,   What is this ??  Never heard of it before !!

Thank you Very Much for letting me know !



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Hi guys,

For those of you still having trouble with autogen vegetation, perhaps I can offer the following.  I think it’s often more productive to try to figure out what’s going on rather than to just try various proposed solutions so bear with me. This is intended to be a general approach and not a solution to a specific installation.

Each little bit of autogen is specified by the .agn file located in the texture folder for the scenery. That in turn references a file nominally located in the Autogen folder in the sim.  For veg, by default P3D uses the file AutogenDescriptions.spb where many conventional trees are replaced by Speed Trees. To see scenery the way Orbx products were designed and only use conventional trees you uncheck the ‘Dynamic 3D Vegetation’ option in the sim.  In that case, P3D uses the file AutogenDescriptions_Legacy.spb. The Orbx version of this file is dated 5/29/2017, 1305 kb. If P3D uses any other file you will not see all of the veg and you may miss other things too.  If you are not using the newer xml add-on method, checking these things is fairly simple.

The xml add-on method adds a complicating factor.  If you wish you can now install the Orbx libs as an xml add-on and this add-on contains the Orbx version of the AutogenDescriptions_Legacy.spb  located in [your Orbx Lib path]\ORBX\Scripts\custom.gb_base \ and gives it a layer number.    

However it’s possible that you may have the Orbx libs and associated files installed in the traditional manner as well and have both active.  Choose one or other. When all your scenery is installed in the traditional manor only one AutogenDescriptions_Legacy.spb file can be active. As long as it’s the Orbx file, everything should work.  (This is the option I'm using for the time being.)

With the xml add-on method, in theory every one of these add-ons could add its own version of AutogenDescriptions_Legacy.spb  and presumably the one that would govern would be based on how it’s layered. If the one on top did not have a definition, then the next one down is probably searched, but who knows what might really happen.

So this gives you a few options, assuming you are not using Speed Trees:

1 Stick with the traditional  Orbx lib installation, checking the file date and size of AutogenDescriptions_Legacy.spb  and making sure you do not have any xml add-ons that put their own version of AutogenDescriptions_Legacy.spb   on top.

2 If you are using the xml add-on method for the Orbx libs, make sure it is the only version of the libs active. Next search all of your add-ons for AutogenDescriptions_Legacy.spb  to see if you can find a conflict. If you do find a conflict, try disabling that scenery.

3 If none of the above give the answer, in a broad sense it’s possible the terrain.cfg is involved but I’ll stop here. If you use Autogen Configuration Manager, that adds yet another possible complication.


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Hi Larry ,


 Thank you very much for taking the time to clarify some things that we did not know anything about !!

 At the moment No Autogen Issues , as I am Reinstalling everything !!

 By Installing third party Sceneries and sometimes non Prepar3DV4 compatible it is even more risky !!

 It is good , to learn some things about Autogen ! I am using the Traditional Orbx lib installation and No speed trees .


 Thanks again ,




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