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Interrupted update for TE GB South - best way to correct/continue?


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Hello All,


Prior to a recent short holiday, I was attempting to install the update for TE GB South. I'm using FTX Central 3. I've had too little disk space for a while so have been putting it off, but after freeing up some space I gave it a go. Around 23 GB was required for the update in total. I had around 25 GB when I started, with about 4-5 hours of time available.


The download was much slower than I expected; certainly far slower than my connection's bandwidth, so it took most of the evening for the files to download. Then it made the extraction and finally began the conversion process. Unfortunately, as it was late and we were leaving next morning, I was forced to interrupt it quite early in the conversion process (something I've since read that I shouldn't have done) and shut down my PC (yes, I could have left it on all night but that's not something I am in the habit of doing). At point of shutdown I had only 72 KB (!!!) of free space on my flight sim SSD...


Now I'm back to the PC, I think my installation is in a weird state. On launching FTX Central 3, it attempted to update again (without me doing anything) and told me I had too little disk space (no surprise). However, I do not know which files to delete to make enough space for the update to run again. I clicked OK to the message, after which it no longer prompts anything even after a restart of FTXC.


Logically, I ran the "Verify Files" option, but after a short time (only a few minutes) it came back with "This product is installed and up-to-date!" which clearly is not true. I also have 72 KB of free space still. My FTX Central temp folder is empty meanwhile.


Besides deleting all the folders or choosing "uninstall this product" and starting from scratch, is there an easier way I can get the update finished? I might add that I didn't try to run X-Plane yet...






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@Martyn  First off, run XP and see what happens.

You are desperately short of required disk space so I am not surprised you are having a problem. If you cannot uninstall due to the download speed etc, you could open up the TEGB South files and open each folder contained within the 3 folders. There should be files with dates against them. You then need to click on the Date Modified section and should be able to see entries made on 18/19 October. Delete those.

Another way is you could  just delete for example the TEGB South Overlay folder (it is the smallest folder so less to download) and the run the Verify Files again. 

You need to use Orbx Central as BigBend91 has indicated. 

What info told you the update download was 23 GB? That figure would be the zipped amount would it not, and therefore would be much larger after being extracted. So having 25Gb free space is not going to be enough.

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Thanks for the replies both.


I saw the news about Orbx Central some time back, but with simming time limited I decided that - for the time being - I couldn't be bothered to watch videos and read information about the process to change over. FTX Central is great as is and I don't make frequent installs/uninstalls, so saw no immediate need to change ("if it ain't broke don't fix it"). I've spent far too much time tweaking & updating stuff over the years instead of flying, so try to keep it to a minimum these days. I installed GB South around June, but haven't used XP much since then.


Yes, I am desperately short on disk space now - that is thanks to FTX Central's unfinished update. The fact it ran out when I should have had enough is another problem of FTX Central's entirely - but FTX Central never told me it had run out during the update operation (assuming it did; I find it unlikely that it reached 72 KB remaining and was OK with that...).


When I told FTX Central to install the latest update for TE GB South, it told me (after a brief scan of existing files) in a pop-up dialog box that it needed something like 23.77 GB of free space but I only had 19 GB available. Then I had the option to retry or cancel. So I freed up enough space and the update started. The data was downloaded to my temp directory on another drive and off it went happily. I presumed that most of the update would be replacement files not new files (except new POI 3D models), hence the relatively small update in comparison to the size of the whole product. It should have been enough - seems FTX Central miscalculated! The later problem (incomplete update) could be that I cancelled it halfway through the conversion process. Or - quite likely - that it ran out of disk space even though it thought I had enough; it just never bothered to tell me.


I can download the whole lot again. I have a 100Mb/s connection and no download limit. I was just hoping it was intelligent enough to fix itself to save some time and hassle. That's what the "verify" option should be for.  I have a number of products installed in FSX-SE as well (which occupies the same drive) and with space running low (only thanks to TE GB South which is my last sim purchase ;)) I figured I might hit problems if I tried to change over to a new program.


The Modified Date search idea is useful, thanks. In the "orthos\textures" folder I find 12,494 items modified on 14th October. Of those, 11,883 are JPG files (24.6GB total), 609 are DDS (the few it converted before I cancelled, I presume) and 2 are PNG files. There are quite a few identically named JPG and DDS files (alphabetically at the end of the file list), so the deletion of the JPGs must happen after all files are converted. Would be more space-efficient if each JPG was deleted after conversion but not to worry...)


The 'verify' option probably doesn't pick up anything left 'to do' for FTX Central because all required files are present, even if they are not the right versions of each file. So I guess forcing a re-download of all textures is the only option, really. Even deleting the JPG files won't help, unless I can 'fool' FTX Central that I have an older version...


Ah, well after all that, I have good news! I have just deleted the "version.txt" file in the "Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom" folder. FTX Central then said TE GB South was not installed. I told it to install, it scanned files, and now it's converting everything. My free disk space is fluctuating from 72 KB up to 21.4 MB or so. With 3 hours remaining. Seems happy enough! I'll leave it be for a while...


Update to follow tomorrow. Ironically I need to get to sleep so will be interrupting it again, but I know what to do now! ;)

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Well, the conversion finished and the 'update' in FTX Central completed, at which point my free hard drive space jumped back up to 24.7GB (the original ortho JPG files were presumably removed at that point). But XP threw an error on loading. Missing a6c0x10000x17.ter and the identically named .dds.


So I installed Orbx Central. Tried to find a 'migration' thread which I had spotted on these forums some time ago but after a short but fruitless search of pinned threads, I decided to run the installer and just follow the prompts. Straightforward with no drama. I had assumed there were some manual steps to go through to get Orbx Central to pick up where FTX Central left off, but seems not. Maybe there were issues when it first released, as I had read a few grumbles about the new program. I even got some bonus updates for FSX products (Global & Vector).


Now I've told Orbx Central to verify files on TE GB South and it's doing its thing (see screenshot). Interesting that it shows almost all files are converted, even though it needs to download 6.5GB more data. (I can only guess that it found that many DDS files.)


If this doesn't fix it, I'll be back tomorrow :)



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All resolved with Orbx Central. X-Plane is alive again. I read somewhere that Global Base was not available in Orbx Central but it's there now, so I shall remove FTX Central 3.


Thanks for the tips. I thought I might find a solution in time but decided to seek help from those more knowledgeable about the programs and processes.


Case closed :)

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