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NA Freeware Airports cause Global Vector Open LC trees and buildings in water adjacent to airports


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I have had the problem of trees and buildings in water adjacent to airports.  I have turned off the frozen water option in Global Vector and eliminated the problem.  I tested this at Harrisburg, PA (KMDT) and found the buildings and trees disappeared from the adjacent river when the freeware airport was turned off.  I can only assume this would be the case at all the other freeware airports where this has occurred for me, for example, Inuvik, NWT, East Hampton, NY, Schefferville, PQ.  This suggests the ORBX freeware airports adjacent to bodies of water influences the spawning of trees and buildings in the water.  Default FSX airports adjacent to water do not have trees in water next to them.


I would appreciate a resolution to this problem because I do not want to have to turn frozen water on and off depending on where I fly.  I like to fly in Northern Canada in winter when lakes are frozen as well as down south.




Mike G. 

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Hello Mike,

you make a very good point but I don't have the answer.

The Vector frozen water in winter has never really worked as intended, unless used only in winter and disabled in all other seasons.

However, I also see the autogen in the frozen river next to the Global freeware airport in winter and it does indeed disappear if the

freeware airport is disabled.

Perhaps @larryisenor can throw some light onto the problem.













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There has always been a problem with the frozen water. Sometimes it does occur with the default scenery. There has never been a good explanation of what causes it or how to avoid it so neither Neil or I could get it to work properly. The best advice was always to disable it. Maybe someone else from the Vector design team would have better information on how to avoid the problem.


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Hi Nick and Larry;


Thanks for the prompt reply.  I will disable the frozen water when I'm flying down south.  I do like the frozen water during winter in Northern Canada and Alaska.  It provides a much more realistic experience.  By the way, I am truly impressed with the Global Vector addition of virtually every meaningful lake and river.  It really makes me feel like I'm back up north again.  I'm looking forward to putting some bush planes to work.




Mike G.

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