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Elevation problems at LEBB

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Hello there. I've tried everything, I have the following situation at Bilbao.



Add-ons: LEBB 1.1.0, latest version of Landclass EU, Vector, Global. Tried to run AEC with no success, LEBB isn't either in the 'AEC enabled' or 'AEC disabled' list. I have a file in scenery\world\scenery LEBB_ADEP3_MN_ALT.bgl. Tried to uninstall and reinstall again with no luck.

It work perfeclty before, could it be related to P3D v4.5 hotifx 2? Any advice?

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the quickest way to find out would be to spend a few moments returning to the P3D v4 hotfix (1) client version.

Before you do, please ensure that you still have "Default Terrain" at the foot of your scenery library.

I have hotfix 2 installed and do not see a problem with the airport.


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Interesting. Returning to HF1 client:




Reinstalling HF2 client:



So the issue seems to be something related to the handling of airport altitude with HF2 client. Digging a bit LM forums I'm not the only one having this issue: https://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=135117. Do you know if there's a way to fix this which won't mean reinstalling the whole simulator from scratch or force me using HF1?



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Update: I have FSAerodata, deactivating its entries in scnerey.cfg or putting them below ORBX ones, just above the bathymetry solves the elevation issue (FSAerodata files contain the stock airport elevation and in HF2, from what I've understand, the airport elevation is read from the highest layer) I have yet to discover if moving FSAerodata entries leads for other side-effects.


Thanks for your help - you may consider this one solved from your side.

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thanks, that is my understanding too.

I am rather surprised that this sea change in airport elevations is not highlighted

or even mentioned in the release notes.

Perhaps they think that we will be so dazzled by the improved PBR that we will not notice being underground.


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