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Problems with KMRY

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Hoping that I can get a little help here.  


I've updated to P3d4.5 HF2 (all components).  I'm using FTX Global, Vector, and NCA region.  I have a few Orbx airports (KEGE, KSBA, KPSP KMRY and a few others)

KMRY is giving me the following problem that I have been unable to correct. Does anyone have any ideas how to correct this.  






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I'm starting to believe this bug is related to P3D HF2, as none of the tested ways to correct it have worked for me.  Everything was working just fine right through v.5 HF1.  Oh well functionally the airport is fine.  I can taxi fly and land and all the auto gen is there (although sunken) so I guess I'll just call this a loss. 


Thanks for trying to help. 


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And it is finally resolved.  Nick you were right.  FSAD was causing the issue after the HF2 update.  It wasn't enough or correct to rename the BGLs to confirm the problem, the FSAD entries en the scenery library had to be de-activated.  Once I did that, the KMRY scenery was back to normal.  With that information I reactivated FSAD and moved it below my Orbx airports.  Everything is great now.  Thanks for leading me to the solution.  If anyone is interested here's a look at the relevant section 




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