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I am having an issue with trying to open True Earth Washington, TE GB North, TE, GB Central, TE GB South.

I keep getting an error message after X Plane 11 tries to load the scenery (See images).  The sim then closes after I acknowledge (Understood button)  the error message.

The only scenery that seems to be ok is the TE Oregon.

I have more than enough disk space on TWO drives.  I currently have a junction to a Custom Scenery folder on another drive and it works fine. (the before mentioned TE Oregon scenery working.)

I also clicked on "Verify Files" on all of my faulty sceneries and it goes through its phase but fixes nothing.

My ORBX Central is the latest version: 4.0.15 and X Plane 11 version: 11.36

Please provide help, I would hate to have spent all this money on these sceneries only to have them not work properly.





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I can tell you what worked for me. I ended up either installing, or re-installing the C++ runtime files, not only for 2013, as usually recommended, but for  2008, 2010, and 2012 through 2017 as well. Be sure to install the proper version of the files (32 bit or 64 bit). I honestly do not understand why these are all not included with every Windows install by default. If that does not work, I would recommend a followup post here describing exactly what is happening, and include the Orbx Central log file as an attachment. The fantastic Orbx staff here will get you going. Just be patient, and trust it will be well.


To find your log file:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%/Orbx/Central/central.log
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Orbx/Central/central.log
  • Linux: ~/.config/Orbx/Central/central.log


You can get the free C++ files from Microsoft support here:

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