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I am a bit confused.


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Right I have Washington HD installed and Oregon SD installed but it says there is an update ready to install for both but it seems I can not install the updates unless | uninstall them both ? what ?. Or are the updates for the scenery's that I do not have installed. I'm confused. Can someone explain please. Derek.

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I had the update notice for the 2 US TE's as well. I have the SD version of both. For the Oregon SD version I just clicked on Update and it updated. I haven't yet updated Washington SD. If you are unsure about something then I suggest you don't install the updates until you are comfortable with why the updates are required. You can choose the Don't auto update option in Orbx central.

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Just tried again and when I hover my mouse over the updates for both scenery's it comes up with a little like a road sign with a red circle on a white board with a red line across it. Neat. So I am taking it that I don't have to update them. Derek. 

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Yes just had another go and if you click on say Oregon SD  and then in the large red block click on where it says Oregon HD it then comes up with that you have to uninstall Oregon SD first before installing Oregon HD. It then makes sense. Bit confusing really especially when there's a yellow dot saying an update is available. Derek. 

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