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Using Orbx Central with sims on multiple disks


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I installed Orbx Central with the intent of trying the X-Plane demos a while ago. For some reason I could not see X-Plane as an option (even when I selected the option that allows you to locate your sim) so I decided to set it up for FSX first with the hope that later it will allow me to also install addons for X-Plane. However, I have found no such option and the drop down list that is supposed to show all the available sims does not work because I have X-Plane installed on a different disk. Furthermore, when I reinstall Orbx Central, it remembers that I have selected FSX as my simulator and whatever I do, it seems I can't change this option. 


Operating system:  Windows 10

Simulator:  X-Plane and FSX




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welcome to the forums.

Orbx Central looks for C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Local\x-plane_install_11.txt.

That text file must contain the exact path to your X Plane 11 root folder and that folder

must contain a copy of X-Plane.exe.


It also looks at the admin appdata folder, so if you are not logged on as an admin, you may

need to add a copy of x-plane_install_11.txt to the admin appdata\Local folder.

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