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Problem With PNW Demo


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Hello and thanks for the free demo.

However, after installation, when running FTX Central, I get error messages...

When I select which scenery to install, the error message states that the file already exsists.

Any ideas?

I don't appear to have ANY way of uninstalling it, to start again.


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Hi Holger, and thanks for such a quick reply.

When I do the reverse, as you suggest, then yes, I just get the same error message (except of course it being the opposite file).

I do also have FTX Blue installed.

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Hi Guys, I'm sorted.

It seems FTX Central did not the fact that I had removed my 'Default.xml' file from the FSX Autogen folder.  Replaced that with backup file and demo is now working correctly.

Now I just need some time to try it ;D

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