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I am outta here...

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  • 2 weeks later...


Newegg Canada is shipping an MSI version of the GTX470 to me tomorrow. It has the ability to overclock substantially with their afterburner software so I am hoping to take it up to near stock 480 performance levels in a similiar fashion as I did with the GTX275 to the 285. It is my intention to carefully document any changes in performance by taking the same screenshots posted here in this thread for comparison purposes. It is great that the equipment is finally wrestling the wild FSX beast to the ground don't you think?


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Stephen: without even trying to be funny, you have really taken off.  I will be fascinated to learn how the new videocard runs.

I am hoping in a couple of months to buy the top of the line Intel CPU and the Nvidia card that you have coming.  Keep us posted.  And I thought of an SSD HDD, but I think I will buy another veloraptor to run in RAID 0 with my existing card.

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Hi Sean and Ian,

It never rains unless it pours.

My last MSI GTX 470 with Newegg got cancelled because of an inventory miscount (or something like that). I found another MSI GTX 470 on Friday with CanadaDirect (in Vancouver BC) and ordered it instead, which is scheduled to be shipped to me tomorrow. However, today I found a EVGA GTX 480 with Extreme PC Canada (in Guelf Ontario) and ordered it too, which they have just confirmed by phone and email to indeed be in stock, and will be shipped in order to arrive at my home on Wednesday. So, tomorrow I will cancel the 470 (I hope)!

Come midweek we can hopefully have comparison testing with FTX sceneries with the 480 GTX. I am really looking forward to nailing Melbourne! Ian, if you time it just right, you might just be able to catch the next generation of Nvidia card in a few months which is bound to be even better and likely cost less.

Anyone in North America want to buy a great performing GTX 275? 

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Grrrrrrr!  ???  I just spoke to my supplier on the phone and they told me that they tested my 480 GTX before they shipped it and it was faulty. If that is true I don't know why they would even open the box up, so who knows? I sure don't. They also said that they are getting a new shipment of 480's tomorrow and they will get another one to me by overnight to arrive on Thursday. Again, who knows?

Oh well, life is still good!  :)


Edit: Nah, when I think about it I can not imagine why anyone would open the box and test the cards. I think that it is more likely that oversales took place, so I cancelled the 480 GTX order and placed a different order elsewhere for the only thing I can seem to get anytime soon, an EVGA 470 GTX, which will arrive either Thursday or Friday, I hope. This is becoming a long and ridiculous saga, soooo no matter what happens now, I will be surprised and delighted when some kind of Fermi video card, something, anything, from somebody, anybody, from somewhere, anywhere, arrives by courier.  :-\


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Grrrrrrr!  ???  I just spoke to my supplier on the phone and they told me that they tested my 480 GTX before they shipped it and it was faulty. If that is true I don't know why they would even open the box up, so who knows? I sure don't.

Sounds to me like an excuse as they don't have them in yet!

Oh well, Keep your chin up! You'll have your baby soon! :D

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The EVGA 470 GTX is here, installed and overclocked. So far so good, extremely good.  Smooth and fast...motion picture quality. Will be comparison testing in the next hours and will post when initial results obtained, as promised.


PS: Runs very hot, the room is being heated!  8)

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