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scenery order


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question to ORBX/FTX team,

is it possible to give the actual overview of the correct scenery order for the ORBX/FTX products for P3Dv4.5 please.

In the forums i see so different orders that i am totally confused.




Operating system:  W10

Simulator:  P3Dv4.5


Issue:  scenery order


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it doesn't mean Global in that sense I don't think.


As I read it, it means packs that affect globally, freeware airports.

It is a bit confused, as Global Base does not really have its own scenery library

entries, they are grouped with the OLC entries.


It should not be a problem, as you cannot add into section 3 what does not exist.


I should point out that FTX and Orbx Central place all these entries in the correct place

and in the correct order, once the customer has set the insertion points.

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