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Duplicate AI Aircraft


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Operating system:  Win10 Home

Simulator:  P3Dv4.5

Screenshot:  Yes

Issue:  AI Traffic North America General Aviation P3Dv4


Since migrating over to ORBX Central I now get duplicate AI aircraft that simultaneously start out - taxi - and take off together (within 10 seconds of each other)

When I Deactivate General Aviation AI Traffic then naturally there is AI traffic once I activate again the duplicates begin.


This never happened in FTX Central3


Please review and advise.


Thank you,


Duplicate AI.JPG



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11 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


there were reports of duplicate aircraft after "migrating", do you see that when you start your simulator?

Thanks Nick for replying.


Yes there are duplicates on first startup - not always the same aircraft - this time it is C-FAJR



C-FAJR Duplicate.JPG

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2 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

I wonder if you have migrated and are now seeing aircraft from both your original installation and from the migrated one?

Well you have a good point there Nick because I did a double migration - let me explain.


FIRST MIGRATION - was from FTX Central3 to my 'D' drive. But then I realized I should not have done that as my 'D' drive is an HDD.

SECOND MIGRATION - was from my 'D' drive to my 'C' drive which is an SSD.

Maybe this could be the problem?


Also I wonder if there could be files/folders hanging around somewhere from my original FTX Central3?



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you could check your new migration for the aircraft models and if they are all there, delete the models

from the simobjects folder inside P3D and see if you then have only one set of aircraft.

You could also have two sets of traffic files, one in your new installation and one in your scenery\world\scenery folder.

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3 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


you could check your new migration for the aircraft models and if they are all there, delete the models

from the simobjects folder inside P3D and see if you then have only one set of aircraft.

You could also have two sets of traffic files, one in your new installation and one in your scenery\world\scenery folder.

Nick - you nailed it.

Your first option for me to check turned out to be not the problem as there were no duplications in the P3D Simobjects folder.

Your second option to check was the problem - There were duplicated "Traffic_FTX NA..." files in the P3D\World\Scenery folder.

Ran P3D and was very pleased  - no duplicated aircraft.


So thank you Nick.

I did also find in the P3Dv4\World\Scenery folder 7 Traffic files that I am assuming are OK as they seem to be part of some of my ORBX Airports - please let me know your thoughts on these 7 files.


Thank you,


ORBX Central P3Dv4 World Scenery.JPG

P3D World Scenery.JPG

P3Dv4 World Scenery.JPG

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7 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


good news, yes, I think you can keep them there but as before, if they appear in your new library, you will not need them.


Thank you Nick.



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