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[Noted for SP1] ILS in PNW

John York

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Well, I've discovered one thing about the PNW region I think.  ILS and ATC doesn't work!  That's twice I've flown now in the region using FIR and each time I've been lead astray.

In the first instance ATc flew me straight into the side of a mountain.  This time flying IFR in bad Real World Weather from Portland to Astoria ILS runway 26 I did exactly as I was told on approach and the damned ILS landed me at least 3/4 miles short!!!

Luckily, I had been flying helicopters previously and forgotten to put crash detection and damage back on so I was able to continue on the the airport.  Not good through at least two lakes, trees, pylons etc.

Is it your intention or is it within your capability to correct this?


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Hi JohnY,

It has been noted and corrected.  Fix will be in SP1.  It was an unexpected glitch in ADE, which caused ILS approach altitude's to revert to zero.  Reason unknown, fix tedious but completed.

Cheers, Neil (the PNW airport guy)

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Hi JohnY,

As for the timing of SP1 I haven't a clue.  John V will let us know, probably when issue reports stop.  Those reports are still trickling in and while our beta testers did a GREAT job, with a scenery as complex as this one its impossible to catch everything.  That's why a SP1 is just about expected.  We DO appreciate the additional eyes our early users bring to look things over, your reports are invaluable to catch what is missed and make this scenery as perfect as possible.

Cheers, Neil

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Perhaps this could be added as a hotfix? You said the fix is completed. Many have taken a lot of work to get the AI commercial traffic experience satisfying, and it is completely undone by the present state of FTXNW. It was exciting to first see SEATAC with all three of its runways, as I had never updated it manually.  But it is pretty discouraging to no longer have my real world AI traffic there (UT2).  It is all crashing south of the field, and of course ILS approaches are something that needs to work properly. I appreciate all the work and know this willl be resolved, but why wait for SP1 if the fix is available? 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Any news?

As I asked in another thread, I have ADE installed (maybe others too). If you would give us some instructions how to repair the ILS/ATC issue, we could do this as an interim solution for some airports (like KSEA) by ourselves.

just an idea ...



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Thanks John,

I'm not in a hurry anymore. I just found out, how I can correct the ILS approaches on distinct airports without affecting the original PNW airport files. Now ai traffic is approaching and landing as it should and all PNW airport features are still in place an work. I corrected KSEA and KBFI because I like flying in this area.



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