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Scenery library messed up.

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Your Central log file provides us important information, please attach it to your support requests. You can find it at the following locations, or by pressing Control + Shift + L.

  • Windows: %APPDATA%/Orbx/Central/central.log
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Orbx/Central/central.log
  • Linux: ~/.config/Orbx/Central/central.log

You can delete this box/quote once your log is attached


MUmSlm8.png Central v.4.04. I now have 98 blank entries near the top of the scenery library. What are they and where shall they sit? A few addons are above and the rest of my addons are below. Also the insertion Point for open lc dont work correct i have it set to below UTX but instead they are below FTX Airports which are correct below my last addon Airport.


Operating system:  





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Central v4.0.4 included a fix that would prevent blank entries in the scenery library from causing issues with Central. This may be a potential side effect of this issue. Can you please attach your scenery.cfg file?


It can exist at either:




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Guest Josh Koz



We've created an internally task to look into the cause of blank entries in the scenery library. We'll follow up once we have an update

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I am still on the latest version of Orbx Central and do not see the problem that you are having.


I wonder if your scenery.cfg file is the problem and I attach a copy of the default file.

Please rename or delete yours and replace it with this one.


First open FSX and look at it to satisfy yourself that there are no errors in it.

Then close FSX and run FTX Central, let it "Activate Orbx scenery" and then

start FSX again and look at the scenery library.


If it is still OK but with the Orbx entries added, your problem is solved.


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5 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:



I am still on the latest version of Orbx central and do not see the problem that you are having.


I wonder if your scenery.cfg file is the problem and I attach a copy of the default file.

Please rename or delete yours and replace it with this one.


First open FSX and look at it to satisfy yourself that there are no errors in it.

Then close FSX and run FTX Central, let it "Activate Orbx scenery" and then

start FSX again and look at the scenery library.


If it is still OK but with the Orbx entries added, your problem is solved.

Scenery.CFG 10.84 kB · 0 downloads

Thanks but what will happen to the more then 300 addons I have installed. Finding and reinstalling them would take forever.

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7 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

In that case, don't delete the file, make a backup somewhere safe.


If you like, attach a copy here and I will see if I can repair it but in the meantime,

please try what I suggested.

I had no blank entries in central3 so if I do this while I'm in Central3 I'm sure it will be ok. Blank entries problem came with new Central. You know my 300+ addons  are all sorts free and pay (most) gathered through the years with many updates added found on different sources and some probably gone. As for my scenery.cfg I've deleted some blank entries but some were not possible to delete so I gave up. Here's how it stand at the moment.


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no need, I have managed on my own.


Your scenery.cfg file was well and truly corrupted and not by Orbx Central.


I have made the necessary repairs and attached the file which I have tested in FSX.

It is named scenery.cfg and you should replace yours with this one.


I have also run the corrected file through Orbx Central to prove to you that Orbx Central

does not corrupt an unadulterated scenery.cfg file.

I have given this a name to ensure that you do not use it but by all means take a look.




scenery to look at do not use.cfg Scenery.CFG

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I have replaced your cfg scenery with my excisting one even after I installed fsx se and orbx central again but the strange scenery within fsx se is still the same (a mess)

looking forward hearing from you


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2 hours ago, Secret Sphere said:

@Nick. Seems ok now, what a relief! Many thanks for what you did with my scenery.cfg.:) I think the blank entries appeared when I did the Insertion Point in new Central. I will stay in Central3 for now.


I have shown you that the problem was not Orbx Central but your already corrupt scenery.cfg file.

However, you must do as you choose.

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No, the copy of the scenery.cfg file attached to post 9 is a default version, to be used only to replace

the damaged one and to allow you to build a new undamaged one.


If you wish to attach your damaged file, that does not work, I will try to fix it for you.

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thank you but it did not work and also my scenery was a mess again.

I tried to reinstall and start  again with you both files and did the integrity of steam fsx but nothing helped.

I have Always a lot of trouble  and a love and hate relationship with fsx-orbx.

So I decided to stop with this hobby and deleted everything from the computer.

I would like to thank you for your really adequat and fast respons and a  good support.

But now I am finished with it.

So again thank you.



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42 minutes ago, doeke said:

thank you but it did not work and also my scenery was a mess again.

I tried to reinstall and start  again with you both files and did the integrity of steam fsx but nothing helped.

I have Always a lot of trouble  and a love and hate relationship with fsx-orbx.

So I decided to stop with this hobby and deleted everything from the computer.

I would like to thank you for your really adequat and fast respons and a  good support.

But now I am finished with it.

So again thank you.



You dont have to quit. Uninstall orbx central in controlpanel and install Ftx Central 3 found for example in the "Go back to ftx central 3" thread. Use the scenery.cfg Nick fixed for you. Then everything should be fine.:)

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thanks for the reply but this last problem was on top of a lot of other problems also with the Original cd fsx  before steam.

there were too many things I didnot like , also water problems with the uk orbx,  not in other parts of the world.

so i stopped flying fsx orbx.

thanks for your help


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