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EGHI doesn't download


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Downloaded it today... looks great!


One issue though is that it states that there is an update (1.1.0) for Southampton Airport but when trying to install it does not seem to make any progress. Tried several times but i continuously get the same non-response.


Had another update (think it was Northwest Pacific) as well and that went smoothly.


Perhaps a server download issue for Southampton?


Herman :(


I faced the same issues and only with EGHI.

I could update all my other products but EGHI would resist to be updated.

There was the indicator in the activating button turning but no progress indicator bar was displayed. This was going on and on.


After reading this post I closed Central V4.0.4 and deleted all still pending instances via task manager.

When restarting Central, I was able to update EGHI immediately without any issues. 


OS:   Win10

Sim: P3DV4.4

Sorry but I was not able to upload my central.log file. A message -200 was desplayed.:(



Gernot :)




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