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ORBX does work

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To whom it may concern, 

l have been a lover and great fan of ORBX ever since they sold the first Australian add on. over the year l was a very happy chappy. Until last year, all of a sudden l bought my new computer, and set up Steam FSX. Orbx installed but did not function as it would in the past, l tried so many things, and became so frustrated that l went and bought XPlane, to get away from scenery add on. l noted the new Australia add on, and said no l have spent many dollars on Orbx and l should use it. l bought it last night , and like my kids with candy bars was so exited, but unfortunately the excitement has become an over night nightmare, as that you FTX down load tool is not working it pops out the message that is now attached . Nothing will work, for some reason  it will not load older downloads from my library, cannot locate a path etc to Steam FSX  D drive. l do not even know how to manually install Orbx, have looked around and found nothing. l down loaded one file to be manually loaded , but from there l am so lost because there are hundreds of files. Being a huge fan of Orbx, all the problems are the culprit of me not getting the stunning add ons from Orbx. Could you please assist me with this issue, as that l have a lot of catching up to do with add ons that l need. FSX Steam and XPlane 11.

Kind regards,
Alfred Stone.
ORBX fan.



ORBX Reciept1.PNG

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Hi Doug,
Sir l am mighty impressed by the fast reply, l did as you had asked me and followed the route of Nick explanation. Very easy especially for one like myself that is not a computer  dude. l am now down loading the Vector. Australia V2 is installed with no message as yet. Fingers crossed, Once l have completed my ORBX installations, l will let you know how everything went. Thank you for the great help so far and holding my breath, blue in the face still many to install lol

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