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True Earth GBS + England + Wales

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Operating system:  Windows 10

Simulator:  P3D V4.5


Issue:  True Earth GBS + England + Wales


Hello @Mitchell Williamson


I migrated GBS some days ago


I also have England and Wales but I have not migrated them because I have GBS


Are EN & WA needed?


If not can I delete the folders in the sim root or not?


Or should I migrate them and then uninstall?


In Central they show as installed but they are not migrated and in the control panel of GBS nothing makes reference to these two


I believe I no longer need these two if I have GBS, right?


Please advise






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Hi Carlos,


If I recall correctly, both England and Wales can still be used with GB South. When you leave the coverage area of TrueEarth, you'll get the England/Wales landclass if their coverage extends further. It's your choice whether or not you keep England and/or Wales installed :)


20 hours ago, carlosqr said:

In Central they show as installed but they are not migrated and in the control panel of GBS nothing makes reference to these two


The England/Wales compatibility control panel option for GBS was removed as Orbx Central automatically disables the conflicting files in England/Wales.

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3 hours ago, Mitchell Williamson said:

Hi Carlos,


If I recall correctly, both England and Wales can still be used with GB South. When you leave the coverage area of TrueEarth, you'll get the England/Wales landclass if their coverage extends further. It's your choice whether or not you keep England and/or Wales installed :)



The England/Wales compatibility control panel option for GBS was removed as Orbx Central automatically disables the conflicting files in England/Wales.


Thank you Mitchelle

Very much appreciated

Migrated as per Nick's recommendation too





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