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Australia V2 CTD flying from YWDH to YSGW

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Dera Sirs,


First of all congrats for the wonderful products. I'm using Prepar3d V4.5 fully upodated (hotfix If im not wrong) and windows 10


I'm doing a journey in a A2A C182 From NZMF in New Zealand all the way WEST to Perth Australia.All the flights were flown without any problem and in a beautiful landscape with NZSI, NZNI and AU v2 ORBX regions . Anyway up to Know while in Australia I have overflown the following airports Dirct GPS routes.




Frow YWDH my plan was to fly down to YSGW, but after several attempts with a CTD exactly at the same place (17 miles before the destination), I have already decided to change my path going north to YJDA.


Therefore I would like to inform you that I'm always facing a CTD while flying a Direct GPS route between YWDH and YSGW. The CTD always happen in the same place, at 17Miles before arriving YSGW. Please find attached a picture of the Project fly ACARS where the  CTD  always happened. I have already tried to do this flight several times. turning on and OFF Active Sky, Chase Plane, reducing the Prepar3d sliders and nothing solved the problem and the CTD always happen exactly in the same Spot. I have also uninstalled and re-installed back the complete AU V2 region.And even After the re-installation the problem persists. The only time I was able to conclude the flight was after uninstall Australia V2. When I reinstalled the flight suffered a CTD again. Therefore I conclude that the problem is with my AU V2 installation.


Can you please help me to solve this problem out. Maybe you can do the same flight between YWDH and YSGW just to check if you will have a CTD also.


Just as information I also had a CTD while flying from YWDH Direct GPS to YWNY, but did it only once and was not able to record the place where the CTD happened. 


I have already change my course and flown north to YJDA and after this stop I took of heading west to YDPD and up to now no CTDs, everything is normal.





Please let me know in case you need any further information. Awaiting your comments.


Best regards


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Hi nick, 


After deleting the 3 YTNB original files and substitued them with the 3 files you attached in the other topic solved my problem. Thank you for you support!!!




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