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x-plane not locate image file

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Hello people,
I need your help.
It's already my third attempt to install Tue Earth Washington.
In all three times, x-plane gives the following message in scenery loading:
"Error, could not locate image file for terrain
CustomScenery / Orbx_C_US_Washington_TE_Orthos / terrain / b2b0x4fc0x17SM.ter
CustomScenery / Orbx_C_US_Washington_TE_Orthos / terrain /.../ textures / b2b0x4fc0x17.dds"
Relevant facts:
1) The installation process occurs without any error.
2) I have no problem of lack of disk space.
3) In any airport / city, there is always a missing texture.
4) The missing texture is always a texture referring to a terrain file xxxSM.ter.

I appreciate any help.

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Hello guys!

Thank you so much for the support.

Everything works fine now.

It was two days of hard work, but it finally worked.

Just a question: Isn't Pearson Field included in TE Washington?

I have this Orbx airport, but I noticed that the terrain beyond the airport surroundings is the default (Washington limits, not Oregon)

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